day 14: decorating

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day 14!! wooo!! this one has a lot of personal stories about my own family because i'm not projecting at all. anyway.

ANOTHER chapter where their ages are important! janis is 24 and cady is 23.

tw for
discussion of death

please enjoy!


"Jayjayyyy," Cady coaxes, straddling her wife and kissing her cheeks over and over again in an attempt to coax her into the world of the waking. Janis just groans, rolls over, and pulls Cady into a cuddle. Cady continues peppering little kisses over her face, on the corners of her mouth and the tip of her nose. "Wake up, my love."


"Please?" Cady pouts. "I'll make you coffee. And cuddle you until you wake up."

That gets one chocolate brown eye to pop open. "Coffee?"

Cady chuckles and nods. "Yeah. But only if you get out of bed."

"Why?" Janis whines.

"I wanna do the tree today," Cady mumbles. "I'm excited."

"Oh," Janis yawns. "Can't we do the tree, like, this afternoon?"

"No, I wanna do it now. We can make a whole day of it," Cady says, fiddling with the neckline of Janis' top, her fingertips brushing against warm skin.

"Only because you're cute. And because coffee," Janis yawns again, throwing the covers off and rolling out of bed. Cady follows her to the kitchen and grins lovingly as her exhausted wife sits down at the table with an adorably grumpy face.

"I love you," she hums, kissing Janis' neck as she passes by on her way to the coffee machine.

"Love you too."


After coffee and breakfast has been consumed and morning breath has been brushed away, they finally get down to business. They're rather limited on space, so they'd decided to get a smaller artificial tree to save having to measure and cut down a real one.

Janis grabs the box from storage and pushes it next to where Cady wants the tree. "Your tree, my dear."

"Why thank you, my darling," Cady purrs. "How does it work?"

"Hell if I know."

"Are there instructions?" Cady asks, opening the box carefully. "Oh, yeah."

"We don't need instructions," Janis scoffs.

"You said that about the turkey at Thanksgiving."

"Turkeys are supposed to be straightforward!"

"And yet we had no turkey," Cady giggles. "For once, let's follow the instructions, yeah?"

"Fine," Janis pouts, sitting on Cady's lap and pulling out all the pieces. Cady rests her cheek on Janis' shoulder and reads over the instructions.

"Oh, this seems pretty easy, actually," she says when she's read over every step. "The feet go like this, and then you just stack the sections in order. They click into a tube in the middle."

"Told you," Janis says, snapping the base together and putting in the bottom of the tree. Cady gently removes her wife from her lap and adds in the middle section, and they put the top on together.

"There!" Cady chirps, admiring the tree that's only a bit taller than her wife. "Cute!"

"It does look nice," Janis agrees. "Now for the bad part."

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