day 4: playing in the snow

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day four!!! let's go rock and roll!!!

i'm realizing their ages matter here less than i thought. hum. anyway. i imagined cady as ~23 and janis as ~24 here but wooow it's the fourth day in a row of you guys being able to do whatever you want who would've guessed.

anyway. enjoy!!!


Janis wakes up absolutely freezing. She grumbles to herself and looks around to see why, and is surprised to see her own legs. She looks next to her, and sure enough, Cady has stolen their whole duvet and turned herself into a little sushi roll next to her.

She looks the other way to check the time, and sees it's already almost ten. So, still grumbling, she pulls herself out of bed and goes to make coffee, and tea for Cady. "Little thief. Stealing my blanket."

Elvira is at her heels immediately, following so close she nearly trips Janis and meowing loudly for some breakfast.

"Morning, Ellie," Janis says, bending down to scritch her head before continuing to the kitchen. "You want tuna and chicken or salmon and turkey for breakfast?"

Elvira just beeps in response, purring and rubbing herself around Janis' ankles.

"You had the tuna and chicken stuff for dinner, let's change it up," Janis says as if the cat can understand her. She holds her breath as she scoops the heinous smelling mush into Elvira's bowl and puts it on the ground. "There ya go."

Janis is lost in her head while she heats up the water for their beverages. It's not until she hears a series of quiet thumps on the window that she comes back to reality and looks up.

Elvira has, evidently, finished her breakfast and now has the zoomies. Her pupils are the size of saucers and her tail flicks frantically as she leaps at the window and attacks it.

"The fuck are you doing?" Janis chuckles, coming to see what she's up to. "Whoa."

Elvira is batting at huge snowflakes, drifting down and landing on a thick blanket of it already resting on the ground. It's coming down hard. Janis checks her phone and sees a weather alert for a blizzard.

She smiles to herself and clicks her phone back off, grabbing both mugs and heading back to the bedroom. Cady has shifted and is now lying sideways on the bed, still completely wrapped in the duvet. Janis rests the cups on her nightstand and pokes around at the blanket until she finds Cady's face.

"Caddyyyyy," she coaxes, kissing Cady's forehead. Cady grumbles crankily and tries to bat her away, but her hands are still stuck. "You gotta wake up."

"Nooo," Cady whines, turning her head to try to get away from the sweet kisses covering her face. "Don' wanna."

"Come on, I made your tea," Janis hums. "And I have a surprise for you."

That gets one crystal blue eye to pop open. "S'prise? Wha'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I promise. You'll like it," Janis says. "Come on."

Cady begrudgingly opens her other eye and looks at her. She tries to wriggle out of her cocoon, to no avail. "I'm stuck."

Janis laughs. "We could make a business out of this. Sleep burritos. Just leave you in bed with a tortilla and some fillings for a night. We'd make bank."

Cady chuckles at that too, and squeals as Janis takes the opportunity to kiss all over her face without being pushed away.

"Okay, okay, let's unroll you," Janis chuckles when she finally pleads for mercy. "Where's the end?"

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