day 22: wearing onesies

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day 22!! three more days!! eep!

janis is 20 and cady is 19 in this one :) and yes it is kind of important



"Why is Janis pouting today?" Damian asks in his game show host voice while Janis is slumped over the kitchen counter. She's fully decked in her reindeer onesie, so all he can see is her antlers and little deer face as she groans miserably into the granite.

"I miss Caddy."

"I know," Damian replies gently. "I miss her too. But you only have a few more months until we're home for spring break."

Janis pokes one chocolate brown eye up to glare at him. "I don't wanna wait. I need Caddy cuddles."

"I'm right here."

"It's not the same," Janis groans again. "You never let me be big spoon."

"Because you're, like, half a foot smaller than me," Damian replies, tickling her nose with some tinsel he's hanging up.

"Caddy's smaller than me and she gets to be big spoon sometimes."

"Caddy is smaller than every human in existence, if you didn't let her be big spoon she'd never get a chance."

"She deserves it," Janis says, returning to her reindeer hood cave and continuing to pout at the countertop. Damian pats her back comfortingly and checks his phone for news from Cady.


"You order something?" Janis asks when the doorbell rings, furrowing her brow in confusion. Damian grins to himself as he finishes tacking up some more decorations.

"Yeah, could you grab it for me?"

"Fine. Lazy ass."

"I'm decorating!"

"Whatever," Janis calls as she unlocks their apartment door and pulls it open. Her eyes go comically wide when she sees her girlfriend standing on the other side. Cady laughs and squeezes her as Janis rockets into a hug, knocking her back against the far wall in the hallway.

"Hi, lovely," she murmurs with a chuckle. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"What are you doing here?!" Janis demands with a sniffle, refusing to let go of Cady and, in fact, cuddling closer into her warm neck.

"I wanted to surprise you," Cady says, taking Janis' hood down and gently stroking through her hair. "I know how upset you were that you couldn't come home. I got a ticket last minute to come to you. Love, are you crying?"

"No." Janis sobs. "Yeah."

"Aww, sweetheart," Cady coos. "Let me in, come here."

Janis continues weeping quietly as Cady is finally allowed entry into their apartment. Cady kicks the door shut behind her and plops her suitcase down before reaching for her girlfriend with a sad pout. Janis buries her face in her neck and clings to her tightly.

"Hey, Cads," Damian greets as if the situation he's walked in on in the entryway is totally normal. Cady smiles and gently pats Janis' back.

"Hi D. Place looks nice!"

"Thanks," Damian chuckles. "She was just bitching about how much she missed you."

"I wasn't bitching!" Janis insists with a sniffle. "I was whining."

"Same difference," Damian scoffs. "Go cuddle your girlfriend, you simp. I need to start dinner."

"It's impossible not to simp for Caddy!"

25 days of cadnis :DWhere stories live. Discover now