Chapter 2

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Talise takes off her bracelet, her "lucky charm", her last gift from our mother, and begins tying it around my wrist.

"Take this, Sapph. Keep it and remember me. Remember our mother for me. I love you, okay? And she did too. Don't listen to whatever Dad will say. You are incredible, don't let anyone tell you differently. Remember, Sapphire, I love you. Don't hurt too much. Take care of yourself. I love you," she repeats the same words over and over, but they blur together in my head, not making any sense.

When she lets go of my wrist, the rope bracelet firmly knotted, reality hits me. My sister, my beloved sister, is leaving me. She might die. And she is giving me the thing that had comforted her when my mother wasn't there, that had given her the strength to take care of me when she had no one to take care of her. And now, when she most needs luck and comfort, she is leaving it to me.

"No, no, Talise. Don't. Take it back." I hold out my wrist. "You need it more than I do!"

She looks at me with a mixture of love, sadness and regret. "I won't be needing it for much longer," she whispers, tears in her eyes.

"No! I should've - it should've been me! They picked me! You shouldn't have volunteered! Tell them no! Tell them to take me instead!" I plead.

Her hands tighten where they are already clenching my arms. "No, Sapphy, no. No. This is good. This is what I planned. You're going to be okay." She has just enough time to pull me into a tight hug, kiss the top of my head, and whisper "I love you" before the Peacekeepers come in.

For a second, I stand frozen, arms still reaching towards her.

Then, I scream. I shove and punch and kick as they drag me out of the room, but nothing seems to help. The last I see of Talise is tears cascading down her cheeks and her mouth forming her last words to me.

The door shuts in my face. I turn into an animal. I attack the Peacekeepers, and they no longer make sure I am in one piece. I am pushed to the floor, where I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head in them, sobbing. One Peacekeeper aims a punch at my head, but a hand grabs his arm and a body places itself in front of me. I manage, just barely, to make out a boy I don't know very well, a little older than me. I think I know his mother, Coventina Rivera.Talise sometimes exchanges things with her, especially food. This boy's name is Caspian, I think.

"What are you doing?!" he hisses to the Peacekeepers. "You're hurting her!"

"She was attacking us!"

"She's in shock! And you're not being gentle either!"

Another Peacekeeper rolls his eyes and reaches for my arm to pull me up. Caspian's body comes between him and me.

"Don't touch her," he says in a dangerously low voice. The Peacekeepers squint at us for a few more moments and decide we aren't worth it.

"Get lost, kids," the tallest one says, pointing at the door. Soft hands take hold of my arms and pull me to my feet.

"Let's go," Caspian whispers. "Let's go. I'm getting you out of here."

I follow him blindly all the way to his house. Coventina opens the door. As soon as she sees us, she pulls me into a tight embrace. She holds me for so long I feel myself go numb. She stays silent, rocking me through my sobs. Except for a murmur to say that I am welcome anytime.

Eventually, Coventina and Malila - her tiny baby - go to their room to sleep, and Caspian follows them to say goodnight. I collapse onto the old couch.

He comes back and sits down next to me. Then he cautiously brings his hand close to mine. When I don't recoil, he shuffles closer - far enough that it's acceptable for a boy I barely know, but close enough for me to feel the comforting heat he radiates. He doesn't tell me that it will be all right. He doesn't speak at all. But he's here.

The night of my reaping, I fall asleep with puffy eyes, on an old couch, with a strange sense of new comfort and family.

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