Chapter 13

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This dress isn't as grand or shocking as the one I wore for the chariot ride, but it is breathtaking in its own way. The pattern does not give the impression of pure water like the last dress, but it looks like blue and green waves are rippling over my body, like the current of the sea. It is power, it is softness, it is unstoppable, it is inevitable. It is everything I want to show, everything I want to feel.

Caspian, Diana, Helen and Janus ride in the elevator with u, and they marvel over our outfits. Finnick is wearing a white shirt, light and comfortable, with silky pants that match my dress. It would seem like an odd choice, but the clothes are so well-made and he wears them with such confidence that it looks perfect.

When we get off the elevator, the others wish us good luck and start making their way towards the seating area. Caspian lingers, fiddling with his own outfit. He looks good in his suit, but not like himself.

"You should be able to spot me," he says, pulling at his jacket. "If you want to try something that we didn't talk about, be certain. There are no take backs here. But I'm sure you'll do great, you're both good with people..."

I step forward to put him out of his misery. I undo the top button of his shirt, and flatten out his jacket with the palms of my hands. He still looks smart and composed, but a little less tense, more comfortable, like the button had been restricting his breath.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine," I tell him. I link my arm with Finnick's and we go to the tribute area.

Johanna smiles when she sees us, and to my surprise, she threads her arm through my free one, leaning in close. "I hear you're quite the talker," she says quietly. "Give them hell, all right?"

I nod and she turns to Finnick to say something about charming the pants off the crowd.

Then Katniss and Peeta arrive, and we are stunned into silence. Peeta is in a fitted tuxedo with white gloves, and Katniss is wearing a white silk gown with a low neckline, long sleeves and a tight waist. A veil rests on her hair. It's a wedding dress.

It's Finnick who breaks the quiet, looking graver than he has since the reaping. "I can't believe Cinna put you in that thing."

"He didn't have any choice," Katniss says defensively. "President Snow made him."

Cashmere tosses her curls back and spits out, "Well, you look ridiculous!" I don't think Katniss sees Cashmere's eyes glistening as she grabs her brother.

Johanna has let go of my arm, so Finnick pulls me to line up. I stop when we pass Katniss and Peeta. I smooth Peeta's collar out, and looking at Katniss, I say, "You look beautiful, Kitty. But I don't think this is your style either."

Once we are lined up and waiting to go on, I turn my attention to Finnick, whose easy smile has yet to return. "He wants her dead. He wants her dead so badly," he whispers to me. I understand his fear. When it is so clear that the President wants to kill someone, keeping that person alive is more difficult than ever.

I want to answer, to offer some type of comfort, but then we are all sitting onstage, smiling for the cameras and the roaring audience. The interviews start, and despite not knowing the other tributes very well, despite the fact that many of them are my enemies, I can't help but feel proud to be part of this group of people. They are so clever, so brave, fighting in their own ways.

Soon, it's my turn, and I feel more confident and ready than ever. I can do this, for the rebellion, for my family, for Malila, and for these people sitting with me. Over the past few days, we have developed a camaraderie that I hadn't anticipated. I know that soon I will have to fight them, but in this moment I will fight for them.

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