The News

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Dipper walked slowly to the table. On his plate was scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Made 'em myself!" Mabel said, proudly.

"Oh, great." Dipper said, sitting down. Gruncle Stan entered the room with a newspaper in one hand and the tv remote in the other. He flipped on the old television set and turned on the news.

On today's morning report, a blond teen missing from a government agency. He is needed for testing. No further information has been released except for the following:
Tall- about 5'9

It was Bill. He knew Bill more than anyone in the world..

He's... wanted? Dipper thought.

"Um.. I'm gonna be right back." Dipper said, rushing into his bedroom. As soon as he walked in, he saw Bill sitting on his bed crying.

"Babe!!!!" Dipper said, rushing to his side. "BABE! WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

"They.. they wanna find me and test me."

"Test you for what?"

"For... for... my... "

"Babe... you can tell me anything."

"For... my ability to feel emotion."

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