A Gift

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Dipper stood up and gave Bill a hug. He didn't want his only friend going back into the hands of the government! Dipper would do anything for Bill. And he wasn't going to change that.

"Now, I'm afraid I must go," Bill said, quietly.

"What? No! Why?"

"Babe, trust me. I'll be fine."

"How can I be sure?"

"Here, take this." Bill said, handing Dipper a planchette. "Look through the hole and you'll be able to see me hiding."


"Well, close your eyes."

Dipper slowly closed his eyes and gripped the planchette tight.

"Find me," Bill said.

Dipper looked through the planchette. At first all he saw was dust, so he brushed it off with his fingers. Then, he looked through it again. He looked around the room, and then he saw something shining. It wasn't like something in sunlight, but rather something glowing blue. It was Bill, hiding in the corner of Dipper's room.

"Found you," Dipper said.

"Haha! Good!" Bill said, coming out of his place.

"This thing is cool!" Dipper said, looking through it again.

"Let me see," Bill said, taking the planchette.

Bill looked around the room. He smiled... and then it faded.

"I have to go."

"Wait, why-"

"I HAVE TO GO," Bill said, vanishing.

Dipper stood in his room confused. What had Bill seen? Dipper picked up the planchette, and stared into the center. He looked around the room and saw something horrifying...

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