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(warning: new writing style!!)

I decided to take Aubrey up on his offer and go out with him that following night. Ever since our kiss in the car, all I could do was think about his lips on my skin.

My mom was getting suspicious about my love life when she found out I had went on a double date. She was always cool so I knew she wouldn't trip; she just gave me a speech about having freedom at my age and being careful. She also made me promise to tell her more about him once I got home.

So here we were, at this cute little spot downtown with a rooftop view. I was trying to stay cool while my mind was running in a thousand different directions.

"Oh, shit! I forgot to bring your sweater," I recall that he'd given it to me on our previous date.

He laughs a bit and shakes his head, "I told you it was fine, Z."

"Z?" Didn't know we were on nickname bases now. "Isn't that a little too soon?" I drag out my words teasingly as I lean further to the table.

He follows, placing his arms down, "Our last date was twenty-four hours ago. I think it's a little too late for 'too soon'."

I chuckle because he's right; we just met each other. I still wanted to get to know him, though. This felt new and I liked the adrenaline.

"You're right, you're right." I say, backing away in nervousness because of the eye-contact he held. He was much more intimate than Nahmir.

He pushes his chair to my direction and gets closer anyways.

"We never got to talk about siblings," I say to bring up another topic. I remember asking him about that yesterday on the phone, however, the topic was switched so fast he never got to answer.

"Ahh, yes," he says and see his eyes wander up as if he's thinking back on it as well. "Well, I have a little sister named Zola who's 15 and I had a younger brother named Carter who passed a few years ago when he was 11."

I furrow my eyebrows and immediately place my hand on top of his, "That must've been really hard for someone you love to go so soon." I don't want to tell him I'm sorry because he's probably heard it thousands of times since then. I also don't want to say, "my condolences" because it feels too fabricated and basic.

He nods in agreement, "Yeah, it is. We're doing much better with grieving now though, I make sure to keep my mom and Zola close through all of this."

Before I can reply, a waiter comes with our drinks.

We give our thank you's and he's off with the platter, the both of us picking up our drinks in sync for a sip.

"Alcohol came just in time," He says to lighten the mood and I laugh.

"What about you, you have any siblings? Besides that God-brother of yours."

"No, it's only him." I hold back my ill feelings against Nahmir because of the heavy topic we just talked about. I knew family was important to him and I knew how to read the room. "It was just me for the longest. I haven't met my God-mother or brother until a few weeks ago, actually."

His eyebrows furrow and I can tell he's confused. Here we go with the explanation again.

"My dad died years back, and he had a girlfriend at the time who was actually my God mother. At first my mom and CoeCoe hated each other, but they grew closer in his death because he was still a family man and all he wanted was for them to get along. My mom and I moved out here this month for a new job she got and decided we'd just stay with them until we settle."

I can tell he is a bit surprised by this unique story, but he still tries to show his understanding by nodding.
"I know, kinda weird," I add and he agrees by saying "Just a little. It's sad to hear about your father, though. I'm sure he was a great guy."

I nodded then took another sip of my drink.

"So, you don't get along with your God-brother?"

I think of when he barged into my room last night while we were talking on the phone.

"Ehh, it's a constant battle with us. He's alright, really, but sometimes is a lot to handle."

The conversation then switches to the topic of personalities and how some don't get along. As we talk, our food comes and we waste no time to start eating.

"We'll, I'm glad our personalities are getting together just well." He says, and I reply that there's a lot more to learn about each other. I start to feel this pit in my stomach then, the fear of him knowing everything. What if he isn't interested when he finds out what me and Nahmir have done?

I feel his hand on my knee from under the table and I look up at him smirking.

I try to shake the feeling away and keep the same energy he was giving. I was having a good time with him and I didn't need any regrets ruining that.

"Fix your face," I say jokingly.

"Come fix it for me."

tis a short chapter 🌝
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