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What the hell just happened? Chains is alive and Gearhead is thrasher son? What the fuck is going on in the god forsaken club. I looks at my father as he consoles thrasher with Gearhead there for them as well.

I head up to my office because this was to much to handle and as I sat down my phone rang it was a blocked number. I decide to answer "Hello?" I said "Hey venom, it's Araceli here" speak of the devil herself "What do you want Araceli?" "Aww you don't sound happy to talk to me sweetheart" she laughs and I shake my head.

"Well anyways I was calling because I wanna get one on one with you tomorrow night. I am staying a hotel down the street from the club and I want you to come meet me in the lobby around 8ish. Do you understand?" She said "what is this about?" I asked, she scoffed "Come and find out and don't be late. Also come alone" she hangs up.

As I put my phone away I try to contemplate what she wants from me. I don't trust her and now my best friend is back from the dead, I don't know what to believe anymore. But I know if I don't show up she will most likely kill me off. I'm to young to die from that brat.

The next day

I rode my bike toward her hotel and enter the lobby and saw her sitting and smoking as she sips wine and she see me and smiles and  waves me over. I sit across from her and light my own cigarette as a waiter brings me beer, I looks down at the bottle and then her and she smirks at me.

"I didn't call you here to poison venom, I just wanted to have a one on one with you." She said softly and trailed her heels against my leg. I sighed and nodded and sip my beer. "So what do you want?" I asked getting to the point. "Do you love me venom?" She asked softly as she looks down at her wine. I didn't know how to answer, when she disappeared I came to notice that I missed her and did feel love for her. I was in denial.

"Yes Araceli I do. I realized that when you left." I confessed she put her hand on mines and smiles "I still love you too venom, will you finally accept me and be mine?" She said and I honestly gasped and she leaned in and I meet her half way and felt her softly lips on mines and we kissed softly tasting each other and then she broke the kiss and stood up and walk toward the elevator and she looks back at me. I knew she wants me to follow and I did just that.

As we were in elevator heading up to the penthouse, we was kissing and holding and touching each other as the doors opened and we walked out she opens the door and walks in and I follow her and lock door. She has her back to me and unzips her dress and let's it fall. She was complete naked under, I felt myself getting hard and she motions me to come closer as she lays on the bed and I take my own clothing off and come closer. I wanted to dive into her delights.

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