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As I stand there smiling at my old family they just look more and more upset with me, not like I cared so I stay quiet. My father steps forward and looks down at me as he was much taller then me.

"Araceli I'm disappointed in you" he said silently glaring at me. Those words shot me straight in the heart. The old me would've cry and bitch but the new me just swallowed the pain and kept smiling. "Your mom would be ashamed of you Araceli" he added and then I felt all the heat go to my face. How dare he bring up my mother.

"Don't talk to me about mom, dad. We both know she would be more ashamed of you if it came down to the both of us" I said back with anger. My father looks shocked and back away from me. I kept glaring at him and was ready to bit into him, it was time for some recognition for my father.

I looked to Gearhead who was silently watching besides Venom. "Garrett do you ever wonder who your father was?" I said softly and his eyes widen and my father gasped "I did at some point but I gave up finding him." He said and I nodded my head.

"Oh really did you now. Well did you ever try asking my father who he was?" I said look back at my father with a evil smirk. My father stood there speechless and Gearhead was looking between us. "Your father told me my father was a wander and had a one night stand with my mother. She gave him and your mom full custody of me after she died in child birth" Gearhead said.

"Well let me tell you why my parents become your guardian. It's because my father had an argument with my mother left and meet your mother and had his one night stand came back to my mom when she found out she was pregnant with my brother and then your mother was pregnant with you. She died in childbirth and she gave my father guardianship because he is your father Garrett. That's why you and chains are few months apart" I said explaining this to Gearhead.

He silently looked at me and then to my father "is this true?" Gearhead head asked my father and my father stood there still speechless and slowly nods. "Why didn't you tell me?" Gearhead yelled at him "I didn't know how too, when I meet Geena I was in a bad head space. Like Araceli said me and her mother argue a lot those days and I just need a break so I left the house and came here for a bit to clear my head. Then I met your mother who was just in town for a bit. We drank and laughed and dance and I was having fun and I didn't want it to end and she was coming on to me so I gave in and the next morning I felt guilty for what happened and I just left" my father explained.

"Then me and Araceli mother rekindle our love and we found out about chains and then few months into her pregnancy Geena came back and told me I she was expecting as well and I was the father. I told her she was crazy and told her to get lost. But she said she will take a DNA test and well. It came out positive as you was mines. Now I was expecting twos Boys around the time." He kept explain as I watch him tell Gearhead.

"Then chains was born and I was the happiest man on the planet and then months later I got the call that your mother died in childbirth and gave me custody over you. I was finally happy with Araceli mother but I couldn't leave you at there alone. So I lied that you was one of my friends kid and they died and we was the guardian now. Araceli mother was big hearted and accepted you and loved as her own." My father concluded his background story.

"I was ashamed of my mistake and I wish I didn't cheat on her but I never regretted bring you here and raising you Garrett." My father said softly to Gearhead and Gearhead finally got his closure he was looking for.

They hug and my father patted his back and forgot I was there, venom and falcon was also shocked and happy for them.

I clap my hands hard against each other and everyone looks to me remembering I was there, "yes such a lovely truth forthcoming isn't, but you know as your family came together mines fell apart." I circle around my father and Gearhead. "You should tell him what happened when mommy dearest found out. You left such a big part out daddy. Let me tell them then, mom found out you was his child as well, she found out by the birth certificate and then she packed her clothing up and was leaving my father for his infidelity and then chains found out by ease dropping on their arguments and hated my father and was leaving with my mother on the way to pick me up from school when the shooting happened and they died." I said still circling them.

I stopped in front of my father who was now softly crying as the truth came out more and more but I was done I had another big surprise for him.

"Oh daddy I know you didn't mean for this to happen but it did and I have one more surprise for you and all" I said as I smiling and the door open and in walk in was a man that was supposedly dead to the world. His blonde hair was curly sitting on his head and his eyes was green like tree leaves and his was wearing black jean and black shirt with black boots. Venom, Falcon, Gearhead and my father gasp and watch as this Stranger stop next to me and looks at my father with hate.

I looks to my side and smile up at him "Hello brother, welcome home."

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