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I decide I don't wanna wait to tell him, I get into my car and make the hour drive to the club house, it was dark when I pulled up. The clubhouse was in full swing when I arrived and got out walked into the entrance. Everyone was singing and dancing and drinking as I past other members. I was looking around to see anyone I recognize, when I saw chain and Gearhead talking at the bar. I walk to them.

"Hey where is Venom?" I asked them and they looked shocked to see me which did set me off a bit. "What you doing here Araceli?" Chains asked me and I give him a death stare "Venom. Where?" I asked again. They both sighed and Gearhead said "He's in his office but he's busy right now can you come back later?" I was just looked at him like he's stupid.

I turned to walk away when chains grabs my arm softly "Araceli please.. come back later.." "what the fuck chains? Why should I come back later?" He stay silent as he looked away and I knew something was wrong but I wanted to be wrong. Venom wouldn't go behind my back would he? So I raced upstairs and got to his office door.

I stopped and was breathing hard and went to open his door but it was locked. I knock hard on it and no answer, I started to bang my fist on the door like a maniac and then I heard "Oi fuck off, we are busy.." but it wasn't venom voice it was a women voice. More anger took over me and I kick the door down.

There I saw the sight that killed me from the inside and out. Venom hovering over his desk with a women under him, they were both naked and heavily breathing with shock faces. Venom back away from her and pulled his pants up as the girl put her dress down, and looked between us.

"Araceli.. it's not what it looks like." Venom started and I laughed "oh really? What am I look at then venom?" I said and I enter the room and shut the broke door behind me. No one was gonna leave the room in one piece.

The Red Queen {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now