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I was in the middle of church with the men when a prospect come busting in yelling "Prezz it's Araceli she's been shot" I felt my blood freeze "what!!!" I yelled. I ran out with my club right behind me. It was one of her goons waiting at the door. "Listen punk I've come on the behave of the Queen to inform you of her situation." "Where is she?" He shook his head refusing to answer.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" I pulled my gun out and he raised his hand and shakes his head "woah what the fuck, put that down. She's at her home estate" he said and I gritted my teeth and said "Address now." He scribbled it down and I got on my bike and drove off.

I heard bikes behind me and looked back on my mirror, of Gearhead and my father and thrasher following me. I didn't slow down and sped up to get to her.

Within 45 minutes I was at her estate and I busted through her door and a maid was startled and dropped her server plater and screamed. I didn't hesitate and ram upstairs, trying to find her when I busted through a double door that held many doctors and nurse and saw they was wrapping up whoever was on the bed and exiting.

After everyone left only I and my bike clubber and chain and Kingsley was left. Chains was holding Araceli Hand and Kingsley was aggressively pacing around the corner of the room. I came closer to her bed to see her pale self, she had dark circles under her eyes. Her beautiful hair was messy and she looked to be naked with bandages under the blanket.

I sat down on the opposite side as she was breathing through the oxygen mask. "What happened" I asked chains answered "we was heading home from a meeting when she was sniper down in the chest and we got her here in time for the doctor to operate and save her." He said softly to me.

"Those fucking Russians don't know what's coming to them" Kingsley said rushing out. "You guys know it was them?" Gearhead said and chains nodded "we caught the sniper and have him chain up in the basement for questioning and he has a strong Russian accent, so we are assuming but we still gonna question him" chains said.

I looked back at Araceli delicate figure and said "I want in on the Interrogation" chains nodded and we all sat in silence watch Araceli. 

The Red Queen {Black Souls MC}Where stories live. Discover now