Chapter 12

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Another update because the last chapter seemed short :D
Also, check out the video, it's so pretty and I love it! 

****(Serena's POV)

I woke up this morning with a headache and a runny nose. I just wanted to go back to sleep but I have school and Dawn would worry if I don't go to school. I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs where i was greeted by the house butler. I faked a smile and grabbed an apple before saying goodbye and leaving my house. I usually walk to school because it's good exercise and because it's such a pretty day, even though my head is pounding.

I arrived school, where Dawn ran up to me and hugged me. I guess I didn't look all too well since she asked me if a was okay. I nodded and told her I was a bit sick. She tried to cheer me up by telling me some jokes and then showing me a funny vine video. Dawn is always so nice to me, it's no wonder she's my best friend.

"He's coming!" She nudged me with her elbow.

"That hurt," I whispered harshly to her.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Yeah whatever, look who's here." She wiggled her eyebrows at me, which caused my to giggle.

I looked over at where she was looking and saw Ash. 'I should've guessed,' I rolled my eyes as a smirk formed on her face. I noticed that smirk and gave her a warning stare. She just shrugged and ran towards Ash, pulling me with her. 

"Hey Ash!" She smiled widely.

"Hi," was all I could say. Hopefully I didn't sound like I didn't want to talk or anything.

"Hi guys. Serena are you feeling okay? You look kinda pale.." Ash stepped closer to me, making my face warm up.

"No she's feeling a bit sick. Why don't you tale care of her." Dawn pushed me towards Ash. I stopped myself before I touched him, I quickly turned around to glare at Dawn for doing what she did.

Ash, instead of asking Dawn why she did that, turned me around and felt my forehead. 

"W-Why are you doing that?" I asked him shocked from the sudden touch.

"Your face was red so I thought maybe you had a fever." Ash said removing his hand from my forehead.

I looked down at my shoes, 'luckly Ash didn't know I was blushing. Unless he knew I was blushing but decide not to mention it.'

"Serena are you okay?" Dawn asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I gave her a look that warned her not to touch me unless she wanted her hand to be chopped off.  "Kay sheesh." She rolled her eyes at me. "Someone's on her period." She said under her breath.

"I heard that!" I told her a bit too loudly.

"You heard what?" Ash asked confused.

"Nothing forget about it." I took in deep breaths. The bell rang indicating school was about to start. I sighed and walked towards the school.


The whole day I ignored everyone, including Dawn. I wasn't mad anymore but I was afraid that if I did talk to her I would get mad at her and we might end up in a fight. This is the reason why I hate feeling sick, I should've just stayed home. Worse yet, my headache hasn't disappeared.

After school, Kenny walked over to my locker.

"Hey Serena!" He smiled.

"What is it?" I asked him, I just wanted to go home, so the faster he shut up and left the sooner i could go home.

He looked weirdly at me but decided to ignore my mood, "You might not be in the best conditions right now, but do you think you could hook up a date with me and Dawn?"

"I'm n-" 

"Yeah, lets go on a date!" Dawn cut me off. I gave her a surprised look before she winked at me. "I'll go on a date with you if Serena can go too, of course she'll bring Ash with her."

"You guys are dating? Why didn't you tell me?" Kenny asked me.

"Firstly we aren't dating." I assured Kenny. "Second, who said I want to go to the movies?"

"You do like movies," Dawn said in self defense. "And it doesn't have to be considered a 'date', it could be called a group hang out or something like that." Dawn patted my shoulder.

"No thanks." I closed my locker.

"What are you guys talking about?" A male voice asked behind me.

"Oh we were just talking about you." Dawn said cheerfully. "What do you think on going to the movies with the three of us?" 

"Oh sure, but during the weekend because I have track." Ash smiled at me as soon as I turned around. I returned the smile.

"How about this weekend?" Kenny asked.

"Sure, I don't think i have any plans." Ash agreed.

"I don't have anything special." I was going to watch some type of anime Dawn had told me to watch, but I guess I'll just have to watch it later.

"It's settled then, I'll have the movies that will be playing on Saturday by tomorrow. Then we'll pick from there, sound good?" Dawn looked at Kenny, Ash, and me.

We all nodded.

Ash looked at his clock and realized he was going to be late for track if he didn't get going. He said goodbye and left. I also had to leave since I had a lot of homework and I felt like I needed a long nap.


I got home regretting not calling my chauffeur to pick me up. I told the house butler to get me whatever medicine would help me get rid of my headache.

After swallowing the two pills he gave me, I went upstairs to my room and got started on my homework.

I was almost done with my math homework when my phone vibrated. Unlocking it I saw Dawn had messaged me. 

Dawn: Hey, I was just wondering if you felt any better?

Me: Yeah, thanks for worrying. I'm just going to finish my homework and go to sleep. =.=

Dawn: Lol, okay. Take care ^w^

Me: Kay, bye.

Dawn: Bye

Dawn will always be my best friend.

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