Chapter 17

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****(Serena's POV)

"Do you have all the ingredients Ash?" I asked him, looking through the list of ingredients.

"Y-yeah I think so." He managed to say, he was carrying all the ingredients. I felt bad that we were making him carry it all, but he said he could carry it all. May had even said, we couldn't let his pride get any lower that it already was.

"Come on then, lets get cooking!" May cheered, her cheery pink cheeks showing excitement. "Wait..I meant lets get baking!"

"Okay lets go!" I cheered along with her. May was always happy, maybe I wouldn't feel as lonely if I had her as a sister. Ash sure is lucky.

As we got out of the huge room I noticed Ash struggling a bit, May not taking any notice, ran into the kitchen, singing the theme some of My Little Pony. I quickly locked the door, wanting to help Ash, and hopefully preventing the ingredients to fall and make a huge mess.

I decided not to ask if he needed help, knowing he would reject and reassuring me that he had everything under control, but me not telling him I wanted to help got him startled. He jumped a bit, causing some of the ingredients to tumble onto the ground. As the big flour bag fell, out of instinct, we both went to grab the huge bag. It was weird, well it was for me, his hand wasn't on top of mine, just like you would see in a romatic movie or anything of that sort, but I could feel my cheeks heat up as my fingers brushed past his. I don't know if he noticed nor do I know if his cheeks tinted pink just like mine, and I certainly don't know if he likes me back, those thoughts filled my mind, but I decided to just snap out of it, if I wanted to know if he liked me back, then I should simply ask him, but everyone knows that's easier said than done.

He did seem to notice, however, the mess we had caused. The flour bag had ripped at both ends and was all over the place. I stood up quickly, sad and happy that he didn't see my little blush.

"I-I'm going to go get a broom." I walked away quickly, once he nodded. I sighed, part of me just wanted us to stay friends, knowing that he was too good for me. He treated me like a normal person, and not like "Little Ms.Perfect" someone who I clearly knew I wasn't. Even though I knew that, I still wabted people to like me, even if that ment it wasn't the real me who they liked, but a made up girl who I act as in front of them so I feels better at the end of he day. That part of me repeats that we shouldn't be anything more than friends, but the other part if me begs that I tell him my feelings. I think if those romantic high school love movies, how when the girl confesses to the guy, he also has feelings for her. Too bad I'm living in reality and not in some romantic movie, and because I'm living reality, that means that my fceelings could not be returned. Nothing claims Ash as mine or the other way around. This was the horrible reality I had to mind myslef each day, there's no such thing as someone perfect, but yet I would try to be perfect for him.

"Oh good you found the broom and it seems there's a dustpan attached to it." He seemed relieved. He took no time in taking the broom from my girp and starting sweeping. By that time, May had already started to bring n the remaining ingredients into the kitchen. She had a confusing expression on, like she was worried and happy at the same time. I didn't want to ask her what was wrong, just shrugged it off and headed back to the huge room, unlocking it and bringing a new bag of flour. I was glad Ash had finished sweeping, he helped me carry the heavy bag into the kitchen, but I made sure our fingers didn't touch, the thoughts that had raced through my ming when we only brushed fingers had been too much or my to handle. I didn't want to go through that again.

"Can we start baking?" May asked, hopefulness in both her eyes and voice. She brightened up when I nodded. She wasted no time in washing her hands and looking through the sheets of papper, "Which one should we do?" She asked scratching her head.

"How out the muffins you love?" I suggested, I mentally kept that as a note, knowing that I could make some awesome muffins for May one day.

"Yay!!!" She beamed and smiled happily at me. She sorted out the ingredients, with the helo of me, as Ash got out the utensils we would be needing.

As we measured, mixed, created a huge mess, ignored the mess, baked and decorated, I couldn't help but notice Ash not taking much part in doing anything. He was quiet, in his own little world, one could easily tell just by looking at his spaced out face. I waved my hand infront of his face, but got no response, he was expressionless, but I could feel a vibe of sadness he held. Hus lack of interest and participation was bothering me, the muffins had been baked and were cooling as the cupcakes baked in the oven. I knew May was tired, I suggested we stopped there and baked together another time, hapoy when she agreed and went to the bathroom. I wasn't sure if she knew that Ash wasn't being his normal self, or if she just thought the reason why ge was acting like this was because he didn't like baking.

"Ash are you okay?" I finally got myself to ask him. His head jerked my way, causing me to step back. Something about how quickly he responded, made me get intimidated. I stepped back once more, not sure how much distance I wanted to put between us, but was glad he walked towards me as I felt my foot slip. May and I hadn't bothered cleaning the mess we had made, knowing we could clean it up later, but I regreted that so much. Knowing the only thing I could grab onto, and hope I wouldn't crash onto the ground, that something was Ash. I reached and grabbed Ash arm, I should've known that was going to end bad, I knew almost emediatly that Ash was going to fall over me, he was still in a daze and didn't know what was happening, all of that was clear when I saw his eyes. Thankfully, I was able to prevent my head from clashing on the tiled floor, but becuase of that I caused my forhead to crash against Ash's. I wouldn't oreferred we accidentally kiss, but know reality, that was a huge no. The horrible impact caused us both to groan in pain, not bothered in standing up, as the pain seemed to get worse.

"Did you to kiss?!" May's voice was surprising to the both of us. I heard her footsteos as they got louder, she was kneeling next to me and Ash, wanting to confirm that we had kissed.

"More like we crashed our foreheads together." Ash rubbed his forehead and got up. May seemed disappointed, she wasn't the only one, but why would she want Ash and I to kiss? I would imagine a little sister to be saying thinks like 'I'm the only women in my brother's life' or 'don't touch my brother or you'll pay'....or maybe it's just something manga writers like to include in their plot o make it more interesting for the to main characters. Either way I was still surprised May had anticipated that we kissed.

"We should have cleaned up the mess, hahahaha." I laughed nervously, the silence getting akward and uncomfortable. Ash sighed, running his hand through his hair, he seemes to be out of place. I didn't like this type of Ash, I preferred the type who liked to talk and laugh and hang out with his friends. I was thnkful when the oveb timer went off, indicating that the cupcakes were done, it was weird that as soon as the bell went off, he smell of chocolate filled my nose, maybe ash wasn't the only one who was a bit off.

As I got up from the pot on the ground, which was getting quite comfortable, May let out a loud grunt. "Why don't you just tell Serena!?" I made no expression, outting he oven mits on my hands and getting out the tray of cupcakes.

I set the tray down, "Yeah Ash, why don't you just tell me?"

Hopefully this chapter was a bit more intertaning :)
I speeded up the baking plot skipping all the boring baking process, because i just wanted to reveal more of Serena's feelings toward Ash. I think there will be 2 or 3 more chapters and then, this fic will be done. I'm prettt happy it's almost over cuz I really want to start with another fanfic. I think I have developed a bit from when I first started writing this story and I can't wait to put all of that knowledge into my next fanfic!
Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger :D

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