Chapter 19 [END]

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(Ash's POV)

Serena's eyes widened at I said those words, but she quickly smiled at me. "T-thanks..." Was all she said, and that was all she needed to say.

"Well then, let's have dinner!" Mom clapped her hands together.

Dinner was with no doubt interesting, May decided she didn't want to have any vegetables and claimed that this was a free country so she didn't have to eat the vegetables if she didn't want to. Mom thought it was a good idea, I have no clue why she did, that she talked to Serena about the embarrassing moment I peed my pants when I was 3, on the 4th of July during the fireworks.

I had enough of my family, Serena was clearly weirded out, so I took drastic measures and said the first thing that popped into my head, "Can I have desert?"

My mom stopped talking and looked at me weirdly, "You didn't eat much," she looked worried. I just shrugged not knowing what to say, "Okay fine, let's have some of the treats you three made today." She got up and walked over to the counter, where the container of sweets was put.

Handing me the container, taking my plate of barley eaten good away and putting it in the sink afterwards. "Thanks." I managed to say, I slowly looked at the sweets, gulping in embarrassment. Was I even allowed to eat them? No, I should probably just say I'm full and head to me room.

"They look sooo good!!" May exclaimed as she took a look at the treats, they were indead very well decorated and had a great aroma comming from them, but I couldn't stop feeling guilty about what had happened earlier.

"Go ahead Ash, try them, you weren't able to try one earlier." Serena quickly looked away from me when I looked up to see her.

"R-right!" I nodded and picked out a blue frosted cupcake, and took a bite. It was delicious, "W-wow, it turned out very good." I looked down at the cupcake, it have small pieces of white chocolate in the bun, the frosting wasn't overwhelmingly sweet, like most store bought cupcakes and frosting, it was perfect.

"You really think so? T-thanks!" Serena smiled, her cheeks turning a light pink, making heat rise up to my cheeks, seeing how cute she looks when she smiles.

"Oh-Oh, I want to try one too!" May grabbed the whole container and set it in front of her. "Which one should I eat?" May scratched her chin, "Eeni-meane-mieni-moe-my-mommy-said-to-pick-the-very-best-one-and-that-is-you-Y-O-U!" (I have no idea how to spell the beginning, but you guys should get it xD) The young brunette picked up a pink frosted cupcake with purple sprinkles. Taking a big bite, big enough to fill her mouth, she chewed happily, her rosy cheeks tinted as she swallowed. "That was delicious!" She jumped up, standing on top of the chair she had previously sat on.

Serena giggled, "You decorated that cupcake." May's eyes widened, had she not realized she had eaten her own, self decorated cupcake? A smile made It's way to my face, Serena didn't seem to even recall about the events that happened earlier today, thinking that, I know I had to do the same thing. I was going to act as if nothing had happened.

"Can we watch a movie?!" May suggested all of a sudden, her face covered in frosting. She didn't even wait for a response, getting up from the chair, grabbing a brownie, and dashing out of he dinning room. She came back moments later with a DVD, "Let's watch The Beauty and the Beast!" She exclaimed, running out of the room once more, we had no other choice but to follow the little brat.

May had already inserted the disk into the DVD player and was sitting comfortably in the bean bag close to the sofa.

"May, we've watched this hundreds of times!" I crossed my arms, she always made me watch it with her, even though I would 'secretly' be on my phone the whole time.

"I've never seen this movie, what is it about?" Serena tilted her head, I blinked a couple of times before realizing she was serious.

May scurried off of the bean bag and grabbed Serena's hand, "It's a great movie filled with romance!"

"And boredom." I faked a cough.

"It's because you don't understand the true meaning of love!!" The young brunette wrinkled her nose at me.

"And Serena hasn't seen the movie before, so it should be an interesting experience." My mom spoke up, I had forgotten she was with us, so when she spoke up all of a sudden I jumped a bit.

"It's fine if we don't watch it," Serena avoided eye contact with me.

"No it fine, we'll watch the movie.." I scratched the back of my head.

As time flew by, I kept to what I had said when we were all sitting at the dinning table, I tried my best to act normal.

I would usually go on my phone, but my phone was in my room, I could get up and go get my phone, but with Serena's foot touching the side of my leg, I don't dare move. I don't even want her to look at me, my cheeks are burning, she's not even doing anything but here I am freaking out about her foot touching me!

"Would you look at that, not even half way through the movie and my May is fast asleep." My mom half whispered as she got up from the rocking chair she had been sitting in. "You two have school tomorrow so finish the movie, when if done Serena should head home."

"I'll call for someone to pick me up." Serena smiled and nodded at my mom's request.

"Okay, well I'll be putting this little cutie in bed." My mom picked up May, bridal style, and headed towards the stairs. 

As soon as my mom was out of sight Serena sighed, "Can we talk?" She look up at me, this time it was me who didn't want to make eye contact with her. I forced myself to nod, gulping when she turned her whole body towards me. "What happened earlier?" 

"I'm not sure myself," I laughed softly. 

"No, you do know, so please tell me." Serena looked at her hands, placed on her lap. "How do you feel about me?" The corner of her eyes getting damp, but she quickly brushed them off," Do you hate me?"

"It's-I-I like you!" I blurted out, closing my eyes immediately after say that not wanting to see her reaction.

There was a moment if silence..."I like you too." Serena mumbled.

"W-what?!" I backed away, not believing what she had said, my eyes now wide open, she was joking...right?

"I said I like you too!" Her cheeks got darker, I felt my own cheeks get darker as she stepped closer to me. "I have for a long time now, but I've always been afraid to tell you my true feelings!"

I was confused, "So you're saying that the girl everyone calls Ms.Perfect, is scared to get rejected?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"That's the problem, you showed me in so many ways, you made my faults show up, something I never let anyone do!" I could see how much Serena wanted to cry, but she also filled with anger. I without knowing it, changed her into someone she didn't even know she could portray as.

I was scared that she was going to reject me, while she was scared of herself, "I feel so selfish." I managed to speak, the knot in my throat was causing the lack of words coming out of my mouth.

"Thank you.." She ignored what I had just said, I let her continue what she was saying. "Thank you for showing me that it's okay not to act perfect." Tears flooded her eyes and ran down her cheek.

"I don't care if you're perfect or not, I like you no matter what!" I reacted fast, wiping the tears off her face. I hugged her, ran my fingers through her soft honey blonde hair, and quietly whispered, "I love you, Ms.NotSoPerfect."

End of the story, but surely not their love~

Cheesy ending? 

So this was the last chapter of Ms.NotSoPerfect. I really hope you guys enjoyed the story and hopefully you will give my next story "Forest Walker" a try, I promise it will be a roller-coaster of feels! First chapter should be up in a couple of days/tomorrow :)

P.S. there's an epilogue to this story if you want to read it.

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