Chapter 3-It's just a dog

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Enjoy since I have nothing to say-
Also, Bottom and Trans Sam my beloved U-U
[Foolish's pov]
Sam nook was crying while Sam was panicking, Badly.
Sam then got a phone call. Ponk answered the phone for Sam.
"Sam's friend speaking"
"This is Sam's brother,It's ok everyone, there's nothing wrong. But there's a dog that is injured in the bush. Can anyone bring me the first aid kit? It's behind the bathroom if you don't know where it is"
"Ok, bring the dog inside the house. I'll heal him by myself"
"Are you sure you can heal him? The dog is badly injured"
"Yes I can sir. I learned how to heal pets before"
"Okay then, see you downstairs"
Thank god it's just a dog. Sam and Nook seems to be a little calm now.
Ponk went out to heal the dog.
"Thank god it's just a dog. I was so terrified"
Sam got up and hold Sam nook.
"Your sense are good but don't trust it too much ok Nook?"
Sam nook nodded and wiped his tears.
"Let's go downstairs and see if the dog is okay now"
I nodded. We head downstairs seeing Ponk letting the dog rest while there's another person that looks exactly like Sam expect that he was wearing an orange glasses. Looks like colorblind glasses tbh-
"Did the dog got you guys that scared?"
We all nodded. Sam nook ran to the person and hugged him.
"What's your name btw?"
"My name's Warden, what's yours"
"I'm Ponk and that's Foolish"
"Nice to meet you two"
"Nice to meet you too"
Warden hold Sam nook and pat Sam nook head.
"Would you like to eat dinner with us?"
"Sure, we don't mind"
*An hour later*
"So what are you going to do with the dog?"
"We're keeping it since the dog doesn't have an owner and its already addicted to Nook"
Sam nook playing with the dog and the dog was licking Sam nook.
"Alright then, We're going now. Make sure you take care of the dog and see ya tomorrow Sam!"
"See ya Ponk and Foolish!"
*The next day*

[Ponk's pov]
God we woke up late as fvck.
Foolish sprint downstairs as fast possible then we both ran to school.
(Appreciate the fact that they ran to school in 10 minutes and their house is so fvcking far from school-)
*At school*
"We're here! Thank god class starting in 20 minutes"
"Y-yea, let's head to class now"
*At class*
"Hello everyone! I'm Skeppy aka Mr.Badboyhalo's husband and I'm here to teach you instead of him because he have "business" to do"
Wait Mr.Skeppy!? I thought he got divorced with Mr.Badboyhalo??
"And before you ask! Yes me and Badboyhalo got together again. Don't worry we got divorced then get back together again like the 200th time now"
The entire class turned to look at Sapnap who's have the look of disappointment.
"Just because I'm their son doesn't mean I know why they keep doing this!"
Mr.Skeppy laugh.
"Alright let's start the class now shall we?"
*At P.E class(If that's how you call it-)*
"Alright class! Go change so we can start the class"
We were all gone to change our clothes. Then Sam came up to me and asked
"Where's the Lgtbq bathroom again? I kinda forgot"
"Just follow Fundy! He always use the Lgtbq bathroom. Why are you using that bathroom tho?"
"Oh I will tell you at lunch but thanks for telling, I'm going now"
*At lunch(Too many fricking time skips-)*
"Will you tell us about you using the Lgtbq bathroom now?"
Foolish asked and Sam nodded.
"Well umm I'm actually Trans"
"Oh. Alright, understandable"
Damn. He must be sexy-
Fvck, I think too much-
"You alright Ponk?"
"Yes, Just kinda think too much"
"Okay then. Also, can me and Nook stay at your place today? Warden's not coming home today and me and Nook doesn't like sleeping at night. Don't know why but it always happened when Warden's not coming home"
"Sure! Me and Foolish have nothing to do anyways"
*After school at Ponk and Foolish house(Sam's pov this time-)*

[Sam's pov]
"Thanks for letting us stay here guys!"
"Your welcome, What about the dog?"
"Right here! She's small enough to fit inside my bag"
"The dog's a girl?"
"Yep, Her name is Fran btw"
"Fran? That name is kinda for boys you know?"
"So? I'll threat you if you are judging her name"
"Clam down Sammy- I mean Sam. I'm just saying"
"You can call me that. I definitely don't mind"
I love it when someone I'm in love with- Wait, why did I think of that-
Nvm,Let's just ignore it
"Wanna play truth or dare?"
*During the game*
"Sam, Truth or dare!"
"Ummm truth I guess"
"Who's your crush?"
"Why do you have to bring that up???"
"Just say it!"
Oh god, This gonna be awkward when I tell them.
"It's ummm You and Ponk"
Both Foolish and Ponk then look at me, They started blushing.
"Ummm guys? Are you ok?"
God this is embarrassing. Foolish then clap his hands and scream
W-wait he likes me too!? Oh Jesus- I wonder who's Foolish other crush.
"I like you too. I also like Foolish too actually. It's the reason why I let him live with me"
"Alright we're all in love with each other huh?"
"Wait, you like me too Foolish???"
"Yes 😃"
We all just stare at each other awkwardly.
"I was going to ask what Mr.Foolish meant by one of his crush likes him back but I think I understand now"
We all turn to Sam nook who's at the door staring at us.
"Nook teenagers are talking. Please leave"
Sam nook nodded and slowly walk away.
"That means we're dating now right?"
"I just met you guys yesterday-"
"Not like fiance- I meant like those online date or something like that?? Idk what it calls-"
"O-oh Okay then"
"Wonder who will be the bottom 😏"
"Y-yeah no. I'm not doing this again"
"Your a bottom are u Sammy?"
"S-shut up!"
"Guess that's a yes"
"I hate you guys"
"We love you too"
Chapter 3
Wrote 1073 words
"Chapter 4-A wholesome date"
Coming soon
Thank you for reading

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