Chapter 10-The talk.

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I need to be more serious when narrating lol- Too bad I can't help but laugh at the things I write. The spelling mistakes are so funny-

Anyways- Here's chapter 10, enjoy!


[As what happened on the last chapter(Which I don't remember writing that anymore-)Warden sat down onhis chair and him and his father started their conversation.(Is that how you spell it?- I really hope that's how you spell it-)]



Warden:*Deeps breaths*...*Breathe out slowly* "Why the fvck did you deciced to get out of prison to beat the BULLSH!T out of your sons, exactly?"

#####(creeper):"Because all of you are mistakes. Espectally that raccon brat. All he ever done is run around not feeling any guilt that he kill my fvcking wife."

Warden:"...Ok first, Sam nook is not some fvcking raccon or a brat, you're just fvking mad that he caught you fvckinng red handed. Second, none of us are fvcking mistakes, Sam won a 10th grade math competition when he was 9 without your selfish studies, Sam nook might never learn any sh!t from you but he still manage to be so smart that his brian works like a detective and his theories are always right, And I was the one who both took care of you and mom when we were broke and didn't have enough money to even buy any food. And third, Sam nook never done anything fvcking bad, you need to learn that mom fight for life but still couldn't survive because she has cancer. And child abuse is not the FVCKING RIGHT DESICION to punish kids. Anything sh!tty to say, father?"

#####(creeper):"...How dare you-"

Warden:"Shut the fvck up with the tantrum."

#####(creeper):"I did not teach you to-"

Warden:"Disrespect you this much? Well that's what grandma said about you when she heard you were a psychopath."

#####(creeper):"Oh you little piece of-"

Warden:"Hurt me and I will execute you to see mom. Oh wait you can't, she's in heaven while you're in hell."

#####(creeper):"I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU-"


[Ohhhh that was savage!- Oh sorry, forgot I was the narrator,not the reader lol- anyways, the guards quickly came in to take the sh!tty father away.]

#####(creeper):"LET GO OF ME!"

Warden:"Sorry father. Conversation time is over. Cya tommorrow! Or not!" :)

#####(creeper):"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS-"

[Andddddd that b!tch got thrown into his cell, Yay!! Now some theories bc I'm bored, just kidding! time to see what Sam nook is doing because I love him:>]

Sam nook:"Fran! Where did you go this time?"

[The cinnamon seems to be looking for his pup, Sam nook is walking all over the place trying to find Fran. His body then shakes again.]

Sam nook:"Oh I know that sense. You're behind the couch aren't you?"

[Sam nook pick up the couch seeing Fran closing his eyes with his paws and open his eyes, standing up. And starts to spin around in excitement. Sam nook giggles and pick Fran up and let go of the couch making a huge sound.]

Sam nook:"Oops. Didn't mean for that to happened. Hope I didn't woke anyone up."

[Sam nook hugged Fran as he sat on the couch then grabbed the remote control to open the TV. Then he got a phone call, he grab his phone and answer it.]

Tommy:"Yooo Sam nook! Wanna hang out?"

Sam nook:"Oh hello Tommy! And sure, I have nothing to do anyways."

Tommy:"Great! Come meet me at my house! I'll send you the adress."

Sam nook:"K, cya."

[Sam nook hang up the phone and ran upstairs to Foolish's room, breaking in without knocking.]

Sam nook:"Mr.Foolish! Can you help me with somethi- What are you doing!?"

[This is what people get for not knocking the door before entering, Sam nook saw Foolish pinning Ponk to the wall, Ponk's shirt was almost off his body and Foolish was literally shirtless. Everyone just stare at eachother blinklessly(Not sure if that's a word lol-) and Sam nook immediately slam the door close and quickly walks away, grab a note. And wrote that he's heading to Tommy's house. Then left it on the TV before leaving to get to Tommy's house. Completely forgetting what he just saw. Poor Sam nook, he's now truamatize of what he saw.]

[About 23 minutes, he got to Tommy's house. He saw Tommy waiting outside.]

Sam nook:"Tommy! I made it!"

Tommy:"Sam nook! Finally, what took you so long?"

Sam nook:"Sorry, have to walk all the way here bc my brother is sick so he can't drive me here."

Tommy:"What about his boyfriends? Why didn't you ask them to drive you here?"

Sam nook:"I was going to, but I saw them, Making out, I immediately change my mind and walk here instead."

Tommy:"...I'm sorry but did you fvcking say that they were making out?-"

Sam nook:"Yes, I regret every single thing I saw."

Tommy:"Welp, how about we go play so you can forget about that?"

Sam nook:"Yes, please."

[And they went playing, NOW BACK TO THE PRISON! TO THE CELL OF THE WROST FATHER IN THE WORLD! *Ahem* Ok so, The b!tch was still screaming the fack while the guards pulled him to his cell. He was screaming like a monkey being mad of someone stealing their banana.(lol) couple minutes later, he finally shut his mouth and stay silent.]

#####(creeper):"Just you wait, I'm getting out of here soon.."


Chapter 10-The talk.


Wrote 854 words

"Chapter 11-Chaos time!"

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

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