Chapter 6-You're not dying now

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I'm gonna make you worry and cry along with me☻
Let's pray for Sam nook to live lol-
[Third view pov]
The sirens going loud, the police handcuffing the prisoners.
Nurses taking Sam nook to the ambulance while Warden and Sam cry, begging Sam nook to stay alive.
*At the hospital*
Everyone was worried about Sam nook, one of the nurses then came out of the room.
"I'm afraid that the kid might die because we're missing a doctor and every doctors here are busy"
Sam got worried again as the tears drops down from his face, he was in completely shock and he was all shaking. Warden just stayed quiet and didn't speak at all.
But Ponk, Ponk wasn't going let his fiance's brother die now.

"I can help! My parents were doctors and they taught me everything about saving lives"
The nurse looked at Ponk for some sec and nodded.
"Quickly come in before he dies dear"
The nurse said. Ponk nodded and followed the nurse.
Before Ponk went in the room.
He turned around and looked at Sam then said.
"Everything will be ok, he will survive. Trust me"
And he went in the room. Sam couldn't believe that Ponk is helping him, he turned to Foolish who was smiling and crying at the same time as he was looking at the room Ponk and the nurse went in.
"Believe him Sam, he can save anyone no matter how hard it is"
Foolish said. Sam nodded as Foolish wipes Sam's tears and hugged Sam to sleep. When Sam fell asleep, Warden looked at Foolish.
"You and Ponk are actually good at being my brother's fiance. Maybe I should let you stay with him more often"
Warden said. Foolish smile.
*1 hour later👏*
It's been a while now since Ponk and the other nurses and doctors are in there. Sam and Warden were asleep while Foolish was zoning out. One of the nurses finally came out of the room.
"Excuse me sir, we got some news for you about Sam nook"
The nurse said. Foolish stopped zoning out and looked at the nurse.
"Is Sam nook ok ma'am?"
Foolish asked. The nurse then answered.
"Yes, thanks to your fiance, Sam nook survived. But he have to rest in the hospital for a while. Once he finish recovering. He can go home"
Foolish was happy to hear that. He woke Sam up and told Sam about Sam nook. Sam was filled with pure joy after knowing that Sam nook survived. Soon enough Ponk came out of the room looking exhausted.
Ponk walked to Foolish, sit down on the floor, and lay his head on Foolish's lap.
"I'm so tired.."
Ponk said. Foolish and Sam giggled. Foolish softly pat Ponk's head.
"Thank you for helping Ponkie"
Sam said. Ponk smiled and fell asleep.

*3 days later*
[Foolish's pov]

I was taking care of Sam nook while the others went to court to finish the case about what happened 3 days ago.
I was worried because we couldn't get enough proof for the case. We might even lose and Sam's dad would continue abusing Sam and the others again. Sam nook was eating at first but then looked at me.
"Where's everyone Mr.Foolish? Why are you the only one here?"
Sam nook asked. We didn't told Sam nook about the case thing because we didn't want him to get worry.
"O-oh well ummm"
I tried to come up with something. But Sam nook stared to his phone on the table.
"Oh yeah, they went to court right? I heard you guys talking about the case"
Sam nook said. I didn't know what to say but just nodded.
"I knew you guys would hide this from me. Can you hand me my phone? I need to send something"
Sam nook said. I nodded and took Sam nook's phone then give it to him.
Sam nook then said thank you to me and started scrolling on his phone.

[Sam nook's pov (short)]
"Where is the record???"
I mumbled to myself as I tried to find some evidence.
"There it is. We're totally winning now."
I mumbled to myself again as I send the records to oni-chan.
"Check the chat oni-chan, this is the only evidence that will help the case more. Don't worry oni-chan, we'll win with these evidence :)"
The text I send before I close my phone and went to eating again.
Chapter 6
Wrote 763 words
"Chapter 7-We won!"
Coming soon
Thank you for reading

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