Chapter 8-New life

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Yooooooooooo new chapter here I come >:D

(Also sorry if the chapter looks weird, I'm writing this on my computer)


[Sam's pov]

 It's been 1 month since my dad has went back in prison.

Everything was normal again, No fights, No yelling.

Just peace.


I turn around to see it was Sapnap

"Oh hey Sap! You need anything?"

I ask Sapnap, He hand me an invitation and answered

"Dream is throwing a party at his place as a celebration that he and George are finally together"

I looked at the invitation for a sec.

"So your going right?"

Sapnap asked.

"I'll sure go, I have nothing to do at home anyways"

I answered. Sapnap nodded and walked away

[When the last class is over]

Everyone was packing their things and heading out of the class.

Ponk and Foolish came up to me.

"Hey Sam, You're heading party right?"

Ponk asked. I answered

"Yep! I don't know what I should wear though, Any suggestions?"

"Ask Eret! He can help you with the clothes"

Foolish answered my question.

"Oh yeah, Thanks for telling me Foolish!"

[At Eret's house]

"You came to the right place Sam! Would you like to wear a dress or suits?"

Eret ask.

"I guess a dress, I haven't wear those for a while now"

I answered. Eret nodded as he finds a perfect dress for me.

"Your favorite color is blue right?"

Eret asked. I answered


"Then this dress should be perfect for you!"

Eret pull out some stuff and went in a room. A minute later he came out of the room and brought me inside the room.

"Is this good enough Sam?"

Eret asked. I look up to see a beautiful blue dress.

(Picture >:D and yes I play Gacha club. Only to design random outfits :p)

A threesome love||Dreamsmp high school AU||Mostly Foolsamponk||Where stories live. Discover now