Chapter 9-Sick

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I'm back! I'm back! Sorry for the sudden dissapearance lol. Anyways, A little warning that I change my style of writing stories so it might look very weird. Enjoy anyways :D


Sam:"Guys chill! I'll be fine! Besides, it's just a fever."

Ponk:"Fine? Hell nah! Did you know that the very young and elderly are more likely to get complications from a fever. In the elderly the hypothalamus does not work as well as it does in the young. The body temperature can rise too much, causing heart problems and confusion!?"

Sam:"I- what?-"

Foolish:"What. The. Fvck-"

Ponk:"Just god darn rest, you're not going to school. Stay and rest. So glad that the principle decied to have whole school break for the rest of the week because he wants us to rest."

Sam:"But what about-"

Foolish:"Sam nook? No worries, I'll take care of that."

Sam:"But F-"

Ponk:"Foolish will get Fran too. Now rest."


Ponk:"ENOUGH. Fvcking rest. No buts."

Sam:"... fine" ;-;

[This man got scold just because of a fever lol- Sam finally fell asleep after a while. Foolish and Ponk were definitly glad about that.]

[At 5pm]

[Sam nook was waiting for Sam go come pick him up. He then noticed someone in the distance. It was Foolish walking towards to Sam nook with Fran in his hand]

Foolish:"Hey Sam nook! Long time no see kid!" :)

Sam nook:"Mr.Foolish!- You brought Fran with you???" :0

Foolish:"Yeah, Your brother told me to take her too because no one is at home and he's too sick to stay home so yeah, you and your brother will be staying at my and Ponk's house till your brother actually gets better." -_-

Sam nook:"Ah ok-"

[They got up into Foolish's car and Foolish starts to drive to His and Ponk's house.]

[When they reach home.]

Foolish:"And we're here!"

Sam nook:"Alright I'm running inside."

Foolish:"Wait hold on-"

Sam nook:"Too late I'm going!"

Foolish:"DUDE CHILL-"

[Before another word. Sam nook ran out off the car while Foolish quickly got off along trying to catch Sam nook. Sam nook ran into the house giggling.]


Sam:"Ah hello there-"


Foolish:"I'm sorry-"


Foolish:"I WAS KIDDING-"

[Foolish almost got yell by Sam after that lmao-]

[A while later.]

Sam:"He's asleep?"

Foolish:"Yep, sorry about what I said again." ;-;

Sam:"That's alright! At least you didn't mean it." :>

Ponk:"Hey guys I'm bac-..."


Ponk:*sigh*"Ok, What in the motherfvcker happened. Why do both of you look messy???"

Sam and Foolish:"Argument." ;-;

Ponk:"Are you fvcking kidding me!?"

[Someone haven't got their beauty rest that day :D]

[The next day.]

Ponk:"I'm not going to bed till you finally feel better."

Sam:"Come on Ponkie... I am feeling- *coughs*...better" ;-;


Ponk:"Get your a$$ in bed."

Sam:"Join me then."

Ponk:"Gosh darn it Sam, I DON'T HAVE FVCKING TIME FOR THIS-"

Sam:"Plzzzzzzzzz just once, I promise I'll take care of myself more when I get better."

Ponk:"Pinky promise?"

Sam:"Pinky promise!"


Ponk:"Alright then, now get your a$$ in bed before I change my mind."


[MEANWHILE! With Warden >:)]

[Warden enters the prison he works in and walk to the security guards who are taking.]


#####(1):"Oh boss!- I mean sir!- I-I mean-"

Warden:"It's ok! Chill, you can call me anything you want. I don't mind at all. And if you guys are talking, you need to guard the door too. Who knows if someone ends up breaking out or sneaking in to help the prisoners."

#####(1):"Oh, uhm-"

#####(2):*Whispering* "Just apologize dude! Don't sutter!"

#####(1):"Oh r-right. Uhm.. I apologize-"

#####(2):"YES! We apologize for our actions. We promise we won't do it again!"

#####(1):"Yeah! W-We won't do it again!"

Warden:"Ok? Please get the prisoner, ##### Creeper to me please. I would like a word with him."

#####(1&2):"Yes sir!"

[The security guards then ran away to get uhhhhh y'know who- Andddd Warden was kinda confuse about those two but he didn't mind.(Yet from the looks of it, he might be having a crush on the suttering security guard lmao-) Anyways!(Why am I such a bad narrator lol-) when they're finish with their crap blah blah blah Warden enter a room seeing his father sitting waiting for his "precious son" to let him go.(too bad no one's letting him go.)]


Chapter 9-Sick


Wrote 661 words

"Chapter 10-The talk."

Coming soon

Thank you for reading.

A threesome love||Dreamsmp high school AU||Mostly Foolsamponk||Where stories live. Discover now