Chapter 4-A wholesome date

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Running out of ideas now lol-
Chapter 5 and 6 will have so much angst 😂
Just giving you a warning for the next two chapter
Anyways, Enjoy! :D
[Third view pov]
Sam woke up to see Ponk and Foolish staring at him. Sam jumped and almost scream.
"Oh thank god it just you guys! I thought I got kidnapped-"
Ponk and Foolish laugh at Sam.
"Anyways, since it's Saturday how about we go on a date?"
"It's Saturday already?"
"Alright. We'll go on a date then"
"Yes :D"
*Hours later*
"I'm going now. Bye Warden and Nook!"
Sam and his "dates" were about to leave Sam's house. Sam nook and Warden was looking at Ponk and Foolish deadly in the eyes (Overprotective brothers cuz why not?)
Sam, Ponk and Foolish then left.
*At a restaurant*
"We're having our date here?"
"Yep! And don't worry, I'm paying for the meal"
Foolish brought Sam and Ponk to a fancy restaurant. Sam and Ponk were really shock to know that Foolish is paying the meal.
"Are you sure you can pay? I'm not saying that you're poor or something but this place is kinda expensive-"
"It's ok Sam! I can pay for those expensive stuff. Besides, I'm a billionaire. I can work to get 1M dollars a day"
They then went in the restaurant.
*hours later*
Everyone were enjoying their meal, talking about their family. It was all fun. Then a kid came up to Sam.
"Hi there sir! You're very pretty :)"
"Oh hi there! And thank you, you're also beautiful too dear :)"
"Can you come with me plz?"
"Oh sorry but I can't, I'm busy with my friends right now"
"Oh. Well that's ok"
The kid then left. Sam got confused and scared because of the kid's face expressions.
"You ok Sam?"
Foolish asked. Sam nodded.
"The kid's face kinda scares me. It feels like they're going to kill me or something-"
"There's no need to worry. Let's just hope that she won't bring a random motherfvcker to kill you"
They then talk about something else.

*few months later*
(Long time skip for y'all 🤡)
[Sam's pov]
"Come on Nook! We have 1 hour left to get to school!"
Me calling for my little brother to hurry up before we'll be late for school. It was Nook first day for school too, I can't let him get detention on the first day.
"I'm here I'm here! So sorry for being slow!"
"That's ok, Let's go now shall we?"
*30 minutes later*
We're now at school. I brought Sam nook to his class and give him a kiss on his forehead
"Have fun here ok dear?"
"Ok! Bye I love you onii-chan!"
"Love ya too"
I then ran to my own class.
*At class*
I made it in class on time, dang this is really exhausting.
"Hey Sam how about you come sit with us!"
Foolish called me along with Ponk waving for me. I nodded. I went to them and sat down in the middle.
The math teacher then came in and started teaching.
*13 minutes later*
The teacher was just teaching for a while then I somehow fell asleep without myself noticing. The teacher then called me.
"Sam! Are you sleeping in class?"
I woke up to realized that I fell asleep. I wasn't ready to go to detention so I lied.
"No miss! I was just listening to you"
The teacher give me a bad look and smirk.
"Slove this problem on the board then! You should know if you weren't asleep"
The teacher then give me the chalk. I look at the board to see that the math problems are really easy tbh, they're really long but I can totally slove it in a couple minutes. I got up and slove it just in 1 minute.
The teacher checked the answers. The teacher was really shocked but the same time, she was also proud from the looks of it.
"They are all correct! You really did listen to what I was teaching"
I nodded and went back to my seat.
"How did you manage to slove that? I can't even slove it even how much the teacher taught us"
"Let's just say I was taught about this since I was 15"
*At lunch time*
We were all having fun talking to each other. Foolish then tossed me a note. I then look at it.
"Meet me and Ponk at the park this evening, we have something to tell you"
Huh? Tell me what? I looked at them and nodded. I don't know what's going on but I guess I have to find out.
"Going to see how's Sam nook doing. See you guys at class!"
I then went to see Sam nook.
*After school*
Finally! Class is over. I need to go pick up Sam nook now.
I started walking to Sam nook's class.
As I walk to Nook's class, I heard a yelling from far away.
"He said that his name is Tommy not Tori! Why can't you fricking accept that???"
Wasn't that Sam nook? I quickly ran to get to his class and saw a kid behind Nook's back crying while they were 2 people making fun of them.
"Actually, HER pronouns are-"
The kid started crying more. So that's what they're talking about.
"Well my mom told me that-"
"WeLl mY mOm tOLd mE tHat blah blah blah, well guess what? Your mom is the one who's wrong here. And let me say it again. HIS name is Tommy, HIS pronouns are he/him. If you can't fricking accept that then leave this school cause this school does not accept anyone like you two here. And if you say that I don't have proof to get you kick out of this school then you are wrong, humans like me are smart enough to get evidence. So your excuses won't help, get ready to be kick out of this school"
I- did Sam nook just protect someone?
The 2 bullies started yelling and threatening Sam nook but he didn't care walked away with Tommy. If you ask me why I didn't went to help them, I was in completely shock and couldn't move at all. Few minutes later. Sam nook came back with teacher and the bullies got send into the principle office. Sam nook then noticed me.
"Onii-chan! You're finally here! You won't believe what I just did! :D"
"I-I saw that Nook. And THAT was amazing. Warden will be so proud when he heard this, now come on, let's go home, I need to go meet up with Ponk and Foolish"
"Ok! Bye Tommy!"
"Bye Sam nook! Thanks for saving me again :)"
*At the park*
"Foolish? Ponk? Where are you guys?"
Me looking for Foolish and Ponk.
"Over here!"
Ponk yelled. I turned around to see them waving. I then ran to them.
"Soooo what did you guys wanted to tell me?"
I asked. Both of them smiled.
"Will you be our fiance?"
Both of them said it together. I was in complete shock, tears started running. Filling with happiness I yelled.
"Yes! Totally!"
I hugged them. Welp, this day can't get any better.
*An hour later*
"Bye Ponk and Foolish! See you tomorrow!"
Me waving at them. They waved back.
"Same thing for you!"
They said as I went in my house.
(This whole story is going upside down lol 🙃)
As I walked in. I saw Nook and Warden there. Nook had tears in his eyes as he hug Warden.
"Guys? What's going on?"
"I got a call from my workers. Dad broke out of prison, you and Nook are not going to school tomorrow. We need to protect ourselves"
Warden said. I was in completely shock and horrify.
Not again...
Chapter 4
Wrote 1345 words.
"Chapter 5-Help me.."
Coming soon.
Thank you for reading.

A threesome love||Dreamsmp high school AU||Mostly Foolsamponk||Where stories live. Discover now