No one likes a Bully

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(Not edited)

"Begin the sequence again! you can get that leg higher! Again!" Angelina instructed.

Eden began again, her leg reaching higher than before. 

"Good, very good"

By the end of the training Eden was breathing heavily and her legs burned. 

"Thanks, mom. That was so good! My legs feel like jelly" she giggled. 

"Good, that means you worked hard. Now let's shower and get breakfast before Aunt Sarah arrives" her mom told her.

"Okay!" I say running out of the studio. 

"And don't forget you have singing lessons before dance so pack your bag! make sure you have everything. I'm not coming back for anything!" Angelina shouted after her.

"K, i'll pack it now!"


"Let's go ladies!" I enter the room alongside Maddie.

"Congratulations on another victorious weekend! You won, however I saw things that still need to be fixed" Abby said to the girls. 

" Paige, you were okay in the group, but you messed up at the leap downstage. Kendall, on the grand jéte you did it crossing right so we couldn't see if the hips were inline or not. Nia, you did a great job in the group dance. You didn't pull my eyes negatively, but I want you to start pulling my eyes positively" Abby critiques.

Abby moves onto the pyramid skipping over a head-shot placed at the bottom of the pyramid.

"Paige your at the bottom of the pyramid. You're going to have to work back up the ladder. Next is Nia. You've been working hard but you still have to fix those technical issues. Kendall, your still on probation" Abby said.

I look over to Jill who threw her head back in despair. "Oh my God" Jill groaned.

"Mom, it's a long process..."

"Mackenzie, you were the overall high score winner of the primary age division. You proved yourself in the group with Apples, and you proved with your solo. Next is Maddie, Maddie I thought you did a great job in the group and solo, Keeping working. Chloe you came second, I thought you danced beautifully. You made your mother cry. And On top of the pyramid is Miss Eden Rose our Overall top scorer of the entire competition. Well Done!" 

"Thank you" I grinned, happy with my placement on the pyramid.

"Now this weeks competition is at 'Hollywood Vibe'. Chloe you will be doing a solo again. Maddie, you will also be doing a solo. Eden you will be doing a solo once again in the junior division and a new duet.I will also be doing a trio, and this trio is going to be Chloe, Maddie and ... Kendall".

 I let out an audible gasp, flicking my eyes over to Paige. Paige has been a part of that trio since before I came to the studio an they were undefeated. I didn't know why Ms.Abby wanted to change it. 

"Kendall, you stepped it up from Apples last week, but know I need to see if you can hang with Chloe and Maddie" Abby announced, causing Jill to silently fume in anger.

"Moving on, the group dance is a contemporary lyrical routine. I'm putting art on the stage. It's going to be about a bully. There needs to be somebody that's the bully, they are going to be the lead. Nia, you are going to be that bully". 

I cheer for Nia, she rarely gets the lead so this could be her big shot to impress Ms.Abby. 

Although I couldn't imagine Nia being the bully. Nia is one of the sweetest girls ever! she always shares her food with me! But I guess that's what acting's for.

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