guilt and strength

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While Donatello hooked the girl up to an IV pack, he started to wipe down the cuts on her body. Raph watched while his stomach sunk to the floor.

Tears began to well up in his eyes, and he slammed the door on his way out. He rushed to his room, and ragged breaths escaped his lips. Oh my god. We hit the girl. She's dying! I feel like I'm going to throw up. Was she in the car with anyone else? Are they alive? Please let me wake up from this nightmare.

"兄貴?" The opening of his room door startled Raph.

"Get out, Mikey, please."

"She's awake."

Raphael jolted up and sped back out into Donnie's lab. Sitting on a swivel chair was the girl, seething in pain as Donnie focused on sewing a wound on her forehead shut.


"I'm sorry but stay still please. Just one more stitch." Donatello's tongue stuck out in concentration, and he sealed up her wound.

Wet was felt at Raph's bandana, and he quickly wiped away. "That was fast. How are you feeling?"

"Hurts..." Wheezed Crescent. In one hand was a juice box. The other was weakly extended towards him. "Crescent."


"Don't stick that arm out! It's broken, and I need to wrap it up."

Crescent gingerly moved her arm back into herself, where Donnie put a sling around it. He moved away into his cabinet, and came back with an L-shaped plastic tube.

"Open your mouth. You seem to have a sort of asthma. Is it pneumonia?"

Crescent nodded, and put the tube around her lips, and pressed the top to release air puffs. "Thank you, um?"


"Donatello. I feel weird."

Donnie raised a finger and put it to his chin. "It might be shock, you fell pretty hard. Listen, I fixed a bit of stuff up to keep you from dying, but we'll take you to a real hospital soon. It's just safety procedures since we're, you know," he gestured at his body frame.

Crescent looked around. "My parents...are dead. Why am I not crying?"

Raph looked at Crescent. "Everyone grieves differently, Crescent. If you can't, don't force yourself to cry."

"I miss them."

"I know."

"I'm tired." Crescent wobbled to her feet with wooden crutches at her sides. "Sleepy."

"Oh, we have an empty room on the far right. Let me call April, she'll bring some clothes for tomorrow." Donnie picked up his turtle shaped phone and smoothly got himself out of the conversation.

Raph looked at the girl for a good minute. Her eyes were a deep violet, with brown near the center. She was beautiful.

He put his hand on her back and led her down the steps. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Winded Lungs | TMNT Raph X OC Love Story Where stories live. Discover now