convicted felon

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The CT screening took about half an hour. Half an hour for Crescent's mind to linger. To come up with nightmare scenarios. She wanted to call for help, though she wasn't in any immediate danger. Her chest hurt, and tension began to knot her stomach.

A different nurse helped Crescent off the large white table and changed her into a hospital gown that opened at the back, revealing her skin. She awkwardly closed it and held it the walk back to her room.

In her room was a nurse to check on her. Based off of the small panic attack, she presumed. The nurse was tall with her dark hair tied into a bun.

"Hi, I'm Naomi. I'm here to make sure nothing suspicious will happen to you. Even though that Nolan guy wants to take you into custody, he's a convicted felon, and will have to fight as hard as he can in court to get you."

The nurse smiled at Crescent, her dark features and smile giving Crescent a warm feeling in her heart.

The nurse looked back at the file, most likely the paperwork they built from Crescent's stay. She remembered the nurse in the radiology room handing it to Naomi on her way back.

"Listen, just earlier, we were screening for any cancers that the doctor may think you have." Naomi looked Crescent straight in the eye. "With all of the physical trauma experienced during the car crash, and your pneumonia you already have, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Crescent was dumbfounded.

"Do you know how long it will take for the results to come back?"

"Based on the traffic we get in this hospital, it could take from days to weeks."

"Will I have to stay here until then? Where will I go?"

"You really shouldn't be here longer than a few days. Without any immediate family, CPS recommends a temporary foster home or staying over at a friend's for the time being. We don't have any solid reason to call them, though. Do you have any friends that could take you in?"

Crescent almost blurted out a no, but stopped at the last second. "Yeah, I do. Thank you."

Naomi smiled softly, air escaping her nose. "I'm glad. You get some rest now. We'll see how the night plays out, and that'll determine if you have to stay a few nights or so."

Crescent loosened the tension on her body, and rolled over on the hospital bed to rest.

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