conflicting feelings

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Raphael entered the kitchen while Crescent began to wolf down slices of pizza. Everytime he saw her, he felt guilt and butterflies. Why did we have to meet like this?

"Okay, I would like to formally introduce you to everyone. I'm Mikey, super cool and awesome. The doctor's Donnie. This one's Leo, the leader, and behind you is Raph. He has a bit of a temper."

As Michaelangelo said this, every other brother began to give him the stink eye.

"And you are...?" Leo gestured at Crescent.


"You don't look like a Crescent. You look more like a Barbara." Mikey said. Leonardo subtly kicked Mikey in the side of his leg. "Or Crescent! You know I actually love the name Crescent! Suits you very well."

Crescent looked down, trying to suppress a laugh. A quiet chuckle escaped, a little smile playing on her lips.

"Yay, she laughs!" Mikey began to clap.

Surprisingly, the rest of his brothers began to join in on his shenanigans. In sync, all four brothers started clapping for their guest, or victim for a more accurate word. The reason why she lacked a smile was because of them. Raphael was the first to stop clapping, as he carried the worst guilt.

As the clapping died down, Leo began to ask, "While we wait for you to get transferred into an actual hospital later tonight, do you want to do anything down here? We have games, comics, and TV."

"Um, a comic," Crescent quietly replied.

Leo looked speechless at this. He only said comics as a filler, and naturally expected TV as an answer. He didn't want to share his comics, so he brought Raphael under the bus.

"Well, Raph has a lot of comics. In his room, actually. You two should read together, in his room. The comics, I mean." Leo stumbled on his words, clearly flustered.

Raph perked up at the mention of his name. He was annoyed that he got dragged into this situation, but reluctantly replied as it was Crescent they were talking about.

"Yeah, sure. Come on Crescent."


Raphael sat her down on his bed as he tugged on the light of his room. The room itself filled with an awkward buzzing noise that seemed to flood here specifically. Raphael sat on the floor, and began to pull out comics from the bottom of his bed. Crescent leaned over, the bed creaking. She used her good arm to rest her hand over Raph's.

"I don't know anything about you, Raphael," Crescent started. "Please, before comics, just let me know more about you turtles. "

This is exactly what Raphael didn't want.

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