behind closed doors

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Raphael immediately bolted out of the window, leaving a quiet whoosh as a trace of his presence. The door opened, and a large man in scrubs began to talk to Crescent.

"Do you have any parental guardians to sign you out and take you home, Ms. Wilfred?"

"N-no, not that I'm aware. Do I have to get sent anywhere if I don't have a guardian?" Crescent asked, profusely wiping her face.

"Well, there is one man who claims to be related to you. And the papers certainly say a lot to back up his words. He says that he's your uncle. Uncle Nolan."

A rattling sound emitted from Crescent, followed by a fit of wheezes. The heart monitor hooked up to her began to beep at a quick rate.

"Before we get into that, let me take you to a CT scan."

The doctor swiftly locked up the bars on her bed, unhooked her from the IV drip, and pushed her out of the room.

Raph thought hard, and asked himself what just went on in that room.


As a kid, Crescent was a twin. Fraternal, to be exact. Her twin was a little kid named Cyrus. Living closely at the time was their Uncle Nolan.

This man was the bane of their childhood existence, terrorizing them any chance he could. There is no explicit reason why he torments and despises children, but he certainly had it out for his niece and nephew.

There would never be a dull moment with him around, constantly harassing them with common household objects used as beating weapons. There was an instance where he used his belt to break vases on the floor, preventing the children from leaving an area without them getting cuts on their feet.

There was one moment Crescent would never forget. Cyrus was the braver of the two, the opposite of Crescent. He had hidden her in the bathroom sink cabinet, hushing her silent cries. This would be the next time that Cyrus would try to stand up against his uncle, as well as his last.

He shut the cabinet and the bathroom doors closed, and Crescent never saw Cyrus alive again. The next time she did see him was when Nolan began to drag the body across the linoleum kitchen floor.

Horrified, Crescent escaped that night, and ran miles back to her home. After a struggle and a half to frantically spout what she saw, her parents pressed charges against Nolan. And won.

That was ten years ago. She's seventeen now. He was guilty. Why was he here?

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