winded lungs

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As soon as blood hit the floor, Crescent dashed to the bathroom to instinctually purge it from her body. As she hazardously vomited into the toilet, loud, sharp ragged breaths choked out from her. She was too weak to close the door on Raphael, or even focus on him. She was too weak to do anything.

"Donnie!" Raph screamed.

Crescent's vision began to mark up with black spots, and she retched the blood that filled her lungs. Coughing, spitting up blood, struggling to breathe. Her lungs were incredibly winded, and breaking down. The delirium from her fever kept her from being aware of her dire situation, and she fell to the floor, unconscious.


"Hey." Said Raph.

Crescent couldn't reply verbally anymore, as she soon discovered. Donatello handed her a whiteboard and a red dry erase marker, then left, his shoulders shaking with his every sob.

The squeaking of the marker began. I know I'm going to die. I'm sorry. She wrote. Raphael wiped the words off and looked away. He bit his lip, futilely holding back tears.

"I know."

The wretched squeaking continued again. It could be today or tomorrow, you know. She showed Raph the writing, and once he read it, she wiped away and wrote again. It became clear that she was shaking involuntarily. Crescent got a hold of herself and kept writing. What will you do?

"Stay with you, obviously."

I'm sorry.

"Don't ever, ever be sorry for this. You know things like this can't be helped."

I wanted to go on more dates with you. I wanted to kiss you more. I wanted to sleep and wake up next to you more. I wanted you more than anything, Raphie.

After writing, showing, and erasing a few times, Crescent shakily drew a large heart with a smiley face in the center.

I love you Raphie.

This crushed Raphael to bits. A hauntingly loud wail came out of him, and he was brought to the floor, holding Crescent onto dear life, knowing that she was soon to slip away. Crescent's lip trembled, and she let hot tears kiss her flaming face.

I don't want to die.


Tearful goodbyes were exchanged between the brothers and Splinter. Though the father didn't show it, he was mournful to see a part of the family leave.

That night, Crescent passed away in her sleep. She did so with a sleep deprived Raphael cradling her like his stuffed toy, shedding a river of tears the entire way.

"Don't go, please."

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