girls are nice

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A few days later, Crescent was discharged from the hospital, but not without filling out a headache's worth of paperwork and billing, with the help of April. She vaguely remembered her, but was happy at the thought she came for her. Funny how she knew when to pop her head in at the right time, almost like she was psychic.

"C'mon, let's get you some clothes. I bet it sucked with those revealing scrubs."

April gently placed her hand on Crescent's back, and walked with her to a small clothing shop, where they spent the next hour getting comfortable and essential clothing for Crescent.

The time was mostly spent with Crescent sitting down to stabilize herself in the dressing room, but April filled the empty air by chatting up a storm. Though Crescent didn't say or contribute much in reply, April's presence was comforting. She reminded her of Crescent's mother.

After April paid for the clothes and they left the store, April began to talk again.

"I know you don't have anywhere to stay. Do you know where to go? You could crash at my place, but I'd have to coax my dad into not freaking about another situation with the turtles." She gestured her hands. "You could also stay with the turtles, but a sausage fest isn't exactly ideal."

Crescent snorted and let out a laugh. "That was funny. I don't know, the guys are kind of nice. It smells funny down there, though."

"You'll get nose blind soon enough."

"I might stay with the turtles. Don't get me wrong, you've been great to hang with. But I've already slept over once, it shouldn't be too bad from here on out until I can try to find a place of my own."

"I'm glad. It's nice to have a new female addition to the group. Most of the girls I've met have tried to kill me!" April exclaimed, making a huge motion with her hands to mimic an explosion.

Crescent laughed again, and the girls headed down towards the sewers.


"How the hell do I get down there?" Crescent peered down into the manhole, propping herself up with the crutches under her arms.

"Oh my god. Do you have any non-broken limbs? Maybe just use those ones to climb down."

"What if I jumped in?"

April sporadically flailed her hands about. "Are you crazy? You'd break your bones!"

"I'm gonna do it."

Crescent threw her crutches into the hole, and jumped into the manhole cannonball style.


"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" April scolded as she descended the sewer ladder. "I could've called the guys to help."

Crescent rubbed the sore spot on her rear end. "Faster. I'm okay."

She shakily wobbled up from the floor with the help of April, and placed her crutches back on. "Let's go."

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