Chapter 1

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She didn't know what happened or how she found herself on a street. One moment she was in her room having fun with her day off, the next she was on a gloomy street. She looked around frantically. 

Am I hallucinating? Maybe I'm dreaming.. She thought before her eyes kept going on each part of the street. 

She was in an alley with garbage cans and daylight barely going in. The alleyway opened on to a wider street with people walking to their destinations. She started going towards the bigger street. It felt familiar but she couldn't put her thumb on it. She was starting to panic, this dream was taking too much time. 

Did dreams feel this real anyways? Shouldn't I have woken up already? And how the hell is there so much detail? 

The thoughts kept going on through her mind as people stared at her weirdly. 

Wait! Why are they—She looked at her reflection in one of the buildings and screeched. Her pajamas were on show for everybody and lucky her, she had chosen her All might ones! Her cheeks reddened as another person looked at her strangely. 

She laughed nervously, "Hahaha big fan..!" She trailed off her awkwardness increasing by the minute.

She noticed there was a little boy with light blue hair and bare feet slowly walking her way. Everybody looked away from her to him but each time, every one of them flinched before walking away quickly. Her eyebrows furrowed, the boy looked really tired and messed up and yet, for her, that didn't change the fact that he was a child. He was almost in front of her when he looked up. 

She had to resist the urge to do the same as these other people. His red eyes creeped her and his stare was so empty. He had a small smile on his face that would've looked so cute had it not been for the scratch marks around his eyes and mouth. He stood waiting for her and for a minute that filled her with shame, she was going to back away. But then she didn't, and she just kept staring.

"Hey kid.. You like my PJs?" he blinked as if he didn't register the question. In that moment, her mind had went into a frenzy. Are you an idiot?! Who says that to a kid? He looks like someone beat him up! You should be asking him if he's okay! Oh man, he probably thinks I'm a creepo who wants to kidnap him.. Oh man Oh shi—

"Yes.." His voice was so low that she almost thought she imagined it. Because he was in front of her though, she was sure he responded. Yay, the kid has not run away! Success!

"Me too! They're my favorite. Anyways, I have to ask.. Are you okay kid? Is there anyone here with you, your parents?" She looked around for a second but when she looked back, she was shocked by how the kid starting scratching his neck in a manic way. At that moment, her mind had a very weird thought repeating it.. 

This kid looks awfully familiar. She racked her mind but nothing. She would definitely meeting a kid with light blue hair and red eyes. Is this kid even old enough to wear lenses, cuz these are definitely not his real eyes, right?

"Hey hey, just calm down." 

Poor kid probably suffered real bad. 

"How about we go somewhere nice!? I'll treat you to something nice okay?" He looked at her with tears gathering in his eyes and nodded. 

Oh shit! I got no money. Shit! 

A nervous laugh escaped her as she looked around as if money will pop out of now—suddenly the strangest thing happened. Her empty hand suddenly had money. Her eyes widened considerably before her breathing started becoming erratic. The boy noticed how they appeared in her hand and for the first time since she saw him, she saw another look on his face.. wonder.

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