Chapter 21

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"So, Shane-san. How are you feeling today?"


"How are your muscles feeling?"


"That is expected. After all, you've been sleeping for a while now." The doctor wrote down some notes on his clipboard before looking up at her, "we'll be doing more physical exercises and slowly introduce solid foods through your diet in the next weeks."

She nodded absentmindedly. Her gaze remained the same. The next words he said, however, made her head perk up. Her eyes slightly regaining emotion.

"I tried getting in contact with any relatives but there was none. We also couldn't reach the person who brought you currently. He actually visited on the day you woke up."

"Wait.. what?"

"Yes. A man named Yagi Toshinori. He's the secretary of All might." The doctor smiled, "normally coma cases that last longer than a year have very few chances of recovery. The cost was also quite high for your care. However, all your medical bills have been covered and sponsored by the number one hero. You're very lucky. Yagi-san has been in direct contact with us and he visited the day you woke up. However we have been unable to reach him these past few days."

"Was.. there..another..person?"

"You mean other than Yagi-san?"

She nodded, feeling hopeful as the doctor rubbed his chin, "I don't think so. The records only mentioned Yagi-san visiting. There wasn't anyone else."

Her head lowered slowly and her field of vision included only the blanket that her hands clenched around.

"I'll check again if you'd like. Anyways, your case is also peculiar since your quirk has been rejuvenating your body. You could have been much worse but thanks to your quirk you--" the doctor kept talking but Keira was not listening anymore. Her hands shook, one thought repeating through her mind.

Tenko isn't with him. He isn't.. he's with.. he..

Tenko wasn't with All might. Tenko wasn't with him. Tenko was.. Tenko was..

Her heartbeat grew louder, her vision blurrier, her hands shakier. She felt nauseous, her body shivering.

I was the one who..! My fault! It's all my fault! I.. I.. I..

"--will try to contact Yagi-san again and this time hopefully we'll reach him."

Her head snapped up with frantic eyes, "don't."

The doctor looked confused, unable to fathom why she wouldnt want, "I.." she paused schooling her expression, ".. surprise."

Her face felt hot and her hands shook. She couldn't. She couldn't. This man.. had been taking care of her and.. all this time. And she was the one.. she was the one.. who..

She mustered a smile, "when.. done.. with.. exer..cise..s."

"Ah I see." The man shook his head, "but you know the biggest surprise would be you awake. Nothing can top that. It would be better to inform him as soon as possible. After all, he has been visiting every month-" stab! "-of the last eighteen years-" stab! "And was updated all this time on your state-" stab! Stab! "-so you don't really need to do anything. I'm sure he'll be very delighted that you're awake."

Every word was painful. The guilt was a lump in her throat. She blinked quickly before giving one last shot, "his.. next.. visit"

The doctor didn't look very comfortable with the idea but somehow he agreed. It was done. He ran her through her schedule and left her to rest.

The door clicked closing and that was enough for her tears to fall.

Visiting every month for the last eighteen years..

She slowly hugged her knees, muscles still aching from the stretches she did today. She buried her head and let her tears flow down.

You mean other than Yagi-san? I don't think so. The records only mentioned Yagi-san visiting. There wasn't anyone else.

Her hands fisted the fabric of her pants as she desperately tried to control the emotions that made her chest constrict.

You don't really need to do anything. I'm sure he'll be delighted that you're awake.

Her arms tightened around her, hushed cries filling the room.


"All might!" The boy called out giving a heart attack to the thin man with shaggy blonde hair who exclaimed spitting out blood,

"Who is that?!"

The couple at the beach a short distance jumped at the hero's name looking around excited and making the blonde man turn whisper-shouting to the boy,

"Repeat after me! I got the wrong person!"

The boy waved with his hands frantically repeating the words. "I-I got the wrong person!"

"Aww I wanted to see All might.." the disappointed couple looked away as the man and the boy let out a sigh of relief.

All might raised his hand for a high five, "Congrats on passing. Just so you know I didn't inform UA about our point of contact. You're the type who'd worry that you got accepted solely by connections."

"Thank you for thinking for me..."

"I was surprised to hear that you've been made a teacher at U.A!" Midoriya continued in awe, "That's why we need to meet here... I get it. But isn't your office located at Roppongi, Minato ward, Tokyo, 6-12--"

"Stop right there." The blonde man turned towards the beach, a breeze blowing his hair back, "Anyway, I told the academy about my predicament, but I haven't breathed a word about it to anyone else. I had UA notify me on the chance that they found me a suitable successor."

Midoriya looked at his hands a bit disappointed, "One for all... Just one punch or kick is all it takes to wreck my body... So really... I can't handle it all."

"That can't be helped for now." He looked up, "If you tried to get a guy who suddenly sprouted a tail to do tricks with it, he wouldn't know how to control it properly enough to do so. It's the same story here."

"So you mean to say you saw all that coming!!?" Midoriya exclaimed to a sheepish All might. 

"Well... There's just been no time... but everything worked out all right...!! or should I say All might!!" He picked up some discarded spray cans from the sand, "Right now, you're still stuck at all or nothing... but you can learn to tone down and adjust the power level and save your body the strain of a full-strength power emission." His body steamed, "The more you build up the vessel, The more you can control the power within it!"In front of him was the hero with his signature grin "Like this!" he said crushing the spray cans easily. 

Like unto the sacred fire of lore... the transferred flame is still small. But from now on, not even driving rain will check it's growth. I've passed it on...

"Wait, isn't that... It is! All might!!? When did he get here!?" 

My flame will slowly fade away and eventually vanish..

He started running, his successor following, 

..and my duty will be done!

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