Chapter 16

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"I want to go to school." One day Tenko said out of nowhere.

"Hm?" She turned from the frying pan, "You want to go to school?" She repeated thinking about it. It's better than just sitting here all alone while I'm out working. Going out would be good for him..

Tenko nodded before looking up timidly, "can I?"

She felt surprised. "Of course you can Tencchan" she tilted her head at the relief that filled his face. Baby steps Keira.. baby steps

She grinned, "Yeah okay! Let's just tell All might later on." She turned and flipped the omelet perfectly. The boy smiled as she cheered to herself.

Keira was sitting on her desk typing on the computer in front of her. After a while, she leaned back stretching a bit.

She had taken this job because it brought her a piece of home. And it was nice. She glanced at her colleague, Akako, who blew another bubble with her gum. Nice but weird. She shook her head remembering her first encounter with Akako. That was unique..

Her mind kept going to Tenko's request. It was expected after all. The kid probably wanted friends and a part of his normal back. She had sent a text to All might to call her when he was free. Her eyes went to her bag again where her phone was.


She sighed before going back to wo—

"A PHONE CALL IS HERE! A PHONE CALL IS HERE!" She jumped two meters high, All Might's voice blaring from her phone. She snatched her bag quickly trying to shut the stupid ringtone. Once she found it, she almost broke the screen trying to press the volume button.

She looked at the caller ID. 

Banana bangs

A laugh made her head snap up. Multiple people were snickering at her, one of them mocking her ringtone.

"Ahaha.. big fan..!" She trailed off her cheeks flaring as she turned towards the window answering the phone.

"What kinda ringtone is that?!" She screeched whispering, her hand cupping her mouth.

"Now now Keira. It made you pick up didn't it?" Her teeth grit in frustration at the smug tone coming from the hero.

"Seriously? When did you even put it All might?"

She jumped when multiple voices from behind cried out, "All Might?!!"

She swiveled back so fast, "No! That is not.. hahaha.. that's not All Might, it's.. my.. Um.." she chuckled nervously as everybody looked at her with somehow creepy shining eyes, ".. um it's just.." she fidgeted before getting irritated "..someone else okay?!" She turned her back tuning in again.

"Great explanation! So what did you want?"

She took a breath to calm down before speaking, "Tenko wants to go to school."


"I'm starting to think that's your default word All might." She raised an eyebrow a dry smile coming on her face. Of course it's not gonna be that easy. "Why not?"

"You know why not." 

"Other than the obvious villain reason." She mumbled looking to the side. The truth was they had fallen into a routine. All might is mostly outside doing hero work. When he's back, most of the times he's exhausted. They don't really see him a lot which is to be expected from the number one hero. 

Keira would have breakfast, go to work, come back from work and train with Nighteye, and then hangout with Tenko a bit before sleeping. And the hangout part didn't always happen.

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