Chapter 22

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"Yes slowly. Just like this Shane-san." The doctor encouraged. This was different from the one who followed her overall health.

She held two metal railings, her legs shaking and wobbling. She could barely stand. Her first step still out of reach.

"It's normal just focus on your center of balance. Breathe in and out."

Keira breathed in and out, albeit hers was a bit shaky. She felt her body groan at the effort of just standing. Was this how babies felt when they were learning to walk?

Tencchan, want a ride?

She shook her head, pushing the thought away. Focus Keira! You need your energy back. Focus!

"Yes, good job Shane-san. Focus on breathing and balance."

A week later...

A long strand of hers was between her fingers. She rolled it around staring at it. My hair sure grew long. It reached her lower back now. A sigh went out before she let it go. At least she could move better now, even though walking was a bit of a stretch for now. She heard the door open, looking up to find the doctor coming in.

"Hello Shane-san. I came to check on you and tell you that everything turned out all right with the checkups." She nodded absentmindedly, her mind not with his words. "There were, however, some weird results regarding the quirk checkups." At this, her attention came back.

"My quirk?"

"Yes. Quirks can be measured through certain particles. Yours are.. fluctuating. They keep rising and falling." He flipped a page on his clipboard before looking at her. "I suggest that you don't use your quirk for a while. It might not be very safe for your health."

As if I'll use that stupid power ever again. "I understand." She said. The doctor nodded before telling her the program of the next few days.

"Well, I'll leave you to rest now." The door closed and she was left with her thoughts. She slowly removed the covers before putting her legs down the bed. It was nighttime outside. She edged nearer off the bed then reached towards the railing on the wall. Her legs wobbled, her whole effort in standing up. She slowly stood up, everytime her leg wobbled she felt herself fall, before holding herself upright. One step, two steps, three steps.

She was near the window.

She opened it, a breeze coming in and blowing some of her hair. She then turned and sat on the chair beside it, heaving at the small effort. She closed her eyes calming her erratic breaths just from walking these few steps.

If only I had my journal now.. I need to organize my thoughts. She sighed opening her eyes before freezing at the journal that now sat on her lap. Her fingers now shaking went near it. Was it rage, or sadness, or disgust? Her hands clenched. She flung it away making it drop to the ground, the cover feeling like it was burning her.

"Stupid.." drops of blood went down her palms from how hard she clenched her hands making her open them. "Dumb.. quirk."

A sniff went out before she immediately shook her head. No more crying. No more. A dry laugh went out, "Crying will do nothing.. dummy." she hugged herself, looking to the side. And how the hell am I not supposed to use my quirk again.. I.. have to use it. She looked up taking another deep breath before letting out a deep sigh.

Grey eyes closed before opening with a steely look. Her hands raised to the journal, palm open, fingers stretched. The journal glitched appearing in her hand—"UGH!"

Her heartbeats became loud in her ears, a gaping feeling surrounding her. Pain spread from her hands to her chest. Her eyes snapped shut before her hand clutched her chest. Breathe in, breathe out. And just like it began suddenly, it was gone.

Yours are.. fluctuating. They keep rising and falling. I suggest that you don't use your quirk for a while. It might not be very safe for your health.

A shaky sigh went out of her before she made her way back to bed again.

She left the window open letting a soft breeze come in. It was dark and cool in the room as Keira laid down, her eyes closed, but her mind wide awake. She couldn't sleep even after a few hours went by and the clock ticked on. It stayed like this until she couldn't make out when her thoughts began and when the silence ended.

But ended it did as she heard a thump making her tense before relaxing and keeping her eyes closed. The thud came from the window. Something big had landed right beside her window.. or someone.

She didn't make a sound when the window creaked more.

She didn't make a sound when she heard the chair dragged closer.

She didn't make a sound when a warm hand touched hers and a face came close to her fingers making her feel its breath.

And she tried very very much not to make a sound when she heard the deep voice who uttered the words

"I miss you."

Long digits brushed her cheek followed by a long sigh, "I found a successor Keira.. Somehow, he reminds of.. of young Tenko." He laughed dryly, "I bet you already knew that huh.. You said you knew until I'm 49. Did you.." she listened guilt filling her at the rest of his question, ".. know that I'd become.. like this? I'm 48 years old now. So, after this year—" he chuckled sadly, "—you won't know anymore what happens."

A warm hand engulfed hers again, ".. C'mon. Isn't this enough sleeping?" The grip tightened, and her heart broke at his next words, "I can't lose you too..

..Please.. please wake up."

His words echoed in her head and for the longest time, even after he left, she kept her eyes closed and held herself from breaking.

I'm sorry, All might.


One foot went forward, the other following before switching. She was walking normally now. Keira smiled at the feeling of not stuttering at every step. There was one week left now until the day of All might's visit.

Just the thought of facing him...

She shook her head before going to the bathroom. The sight greeting her in the room was a strange one that still shook her. Her hands brushed her cheeks as she saw her long black her and her grey eyes. Her features that turned mature and more refined with stolen years that she didn't live.

It was a cruel joke, that was what it was..

It was time to take back control of her life. 

Black curls flowed behind her as she stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards the door. The same black curls turned slowly into blonde ones, grey eyes turning to blue, and the woman shrinking into a shorter, high school girl.

The door opened before closing behind her leaving only a ruffled bed with only a small paper in the middle.

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