Chapter 2

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It was such a weird sight. A woman wearing All might pajamas and a boy walking with bare feet. "hehe we must look so weird, huh, Tencchan?" He just kept looking down. "So, now that we have our tummies filled with yummy Ice cream, how about we go to someone who can help us." She stopped walking and leaned down to his level, "What do you think Tencchan? Should we go find a hero or a police officer?" His face turned into a panicked look before he shook his head frantically moving a couple of steps away and falling down. The scratching began and he kept muttering as tears welled up again, " n-no p-pol--"

"Okay! No police or heroes!" He looked at her pausing in his movements, "How about we go to a.. um.." she racked her brain for any ideas, "a hotel! We can freshen up and take a break. Yeah?" He didn't say anything but kept looking at her then slowly nodded. They started walking again. On the outside, Keira looked normal. On the inside though.. Shit shit shit! Why am I doing this to myself?!! Shouldn't this dream end already?! Wait! I can make money. Now that I'm sure I'm in a dream, I can just make some money like the last time! This time, Keira asked around for the nearest hotel. Few stopped to help the weirdly dressed woman but that was enough. Halfway through, she noticed that Tenko kept stumbling. Poor baby must be tired.. She raised her hands and leaned down, "Tencchan, want a ride?" She smiled and she could see the tears forming before he wiped them and went into her arms. She carried him and they were back to walking.

Soon, they were all ready and booked in the hotel. Although there were suspicious looks, they disappeared once she showed the money. She closed the door of the room. The hotel wasn't fancy but it also wasn't shady. It was a trendy one for young people who were traveling. There were two twin beds and a bathroom with a walk-in shower. The view wasn't too bad either and there was wi-fi and TV. Tenko had walked beside her by now, since she needed to put him down when she was talking to the receptionist. Tenko went to sit on a chair and Keira sat beside him. Once his hand touched the sight of it though, the chair disintegrated and Tenko scrambled back yelping and crying. Keira had screamed in shock but started taking deep breaths.

"Th-that's one hell of a quirk kid.." she managed to stutter out before slowly standing up. He flinched and looked at her with narrowed eyes. She raised her hands in a calming way, "I know the perfect thing for you Tencchan, just calm down." He still looked very wary and on the verge of panicking. She searched through the toiletries and bathroom but came up with nothing. Suddenly she had an idea. She stretched out her hand and closed her eyes. After a minute, she had what she imagined in her hand. Sweet dream! She showed them to Tenko. "Look, customized gloves for Tencchan!" The gloves were small and fingerless except for the pinky and ring finger. They were blue and had stars on them. She reached out to him and he didn't move. She decided to go to him and was glad when he didn't move away. She slowly put the gloves on and to her relief they didn't disintegrate.

"Now, test run time!!" she announced dramatically with a grin before taking his hand and putting it on the TV remote. Satisfaction welled up when nothing happened to the remote. "Is it good, Tencchan?" he looked dazed before looking up at her. Her eyes widened when he threw himself at her in a hug. She slowly returned it, stroking his hair. This is.. one hell of a dream.. The rest of the day was spent making clothes for Tenko and her and freshening up. She was now in grey sweatpants with a white t-shirt and Tenko was wearing a similar outfit but his t-shirt had 'All M' written on it. They were sitting on the bed with the TV on and she had ordered "food for both of them.

The cartoon was on but she wasn't watching. She was already feeling exhausted and sleepy. Tenko kept giving her glances every couple of seconds. He looked like he wanted to say something but each time didn't. Before Keira opened her mouth to encourage him, the doorbell rang indicating the food coming. After thanking the room service, she was sitting with two plates of Katsudon in front of them. "Well then Tencchan! Let's dig in, Itadakimasu." She started eating but noticed he wasn't. "Come on Tencchan, it's so yummy." He looked at her before taking a bite. Suddenly he was scarfing it down like he hadn't eaten in days. At that second, a horrible truth struck her, he probably hasn't eaten anything for a couple of days. How horrible.. I can't believe people would just leave a kid like that!

After the food, Keira set everything up and tucked Tenko to bed. She sat down beside him, "Do you need anything Tencchan?" He shook his head slowly. She nodded patting his head once before smiling softly, "I'll be right here if you need anything, okay? Good night." She went to her bed and laid down. Did dreams have me sleep in them? This is so weird. I'm starting to get worried. What if this isn-- A small hand tugged on her sleeve making her turn her lamp on. "Yes Tencchan?" He looked down before looking at her but his eyes widened at her action. She had already raised the blanket and smiled at him patting the space beside her. He went into it and she covered them both with the blanket before turning off the lamp. She noticed he was tense and started patting his hair and humming. After a while, she could hear quiet snores and a small hand clutching her shirt. Her eyes glossed over with tears at the innocent kid who didn't deserve all the pain he lived. Eventually she herself drifted to sleep her humming cutting up before quieting completely.

The next morning was quite a surprise for Keira when she woke up. She had thought for a moment that she was back in her room, finally awake from the most bizarre dream of her life. Only to find little Shimura Tenko still asleep hugging her. At that moment, she could only do one thing, "Shit."

She sat up slowly and held her head in her hands. Her mouth was open but no words came out. Instead, it was all in her head. Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit!! She decided to try calming down. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale. Movement snapped her out of it and she realized that the kid was waking up. He finally opened his eyes slowly and rubbed them before looking at her. "Good morning." His voice was quiet. She ruffled his hair softly smiling, "Good morning Tencchan. Did you sleep well?" He blushed a bit, and she had to stop herself from gaping like a caveman, and nodded.

"That's great!" She had raised her hand as if saying 'victory!' before slowly lowering them at his surprised expression. She ordered them breakfast and then went back to sit beside the blue haired boy. "So.. Tencchan.. how old are you?"

"...five.." She nodded and grinned pointing a thumb at herself, "I'm twenty five! What's your favorite color?"

Silence extended for a bit before another quiet addition was made, "" She nodded excitedly, "mine too! Do you like heroes?" The question had slipped out and she wanted to slap herself silly. The feeling vanished when he nodded slowly looking very vulnerable. "Me too. My favorite is All might! What about you Tencchan?" He looked so shocked she had to fight the urge to hug him.

"A..All.. m-might.." He flinched after saying it but then when he was met with a smile, tears welled up in his eyes. She suddenly wrapped her arms around him. "We have so much in common Tencchan!" He sobbed a bit before clutching her tightly as she rocked him back and forth. "It's fine now Tencchan." She said softly trying to calm him down. " Everything will be fine Tencchan. I am here for you. I am not going anywhere." She didn't know where the words were coming from but she knew she meant them, "It's fine now. Everything is fine." She kept whispering over and over as he kept sobbing and shaking. Keira couldn't deny that a huge part of her was hiding behind helping Tenko over facing her real problem. She had not woken up. Which means.. this may not be a dream. Her life had taken a very huge turn. For better or for worse, she truly didn't know. 

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