Chapter 8

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"Hellooo, anybody home?" she waved in front of his face. His blue eyes snapped to hers making her freeze. His look was very intense and she found herself slowly taking her hand back towards her.

"Shane-san.. you're not joking?" she shook her head. "That is.." she grimaced, "..hard to believe.."

She smiled weakly, her hand going up to play with a strand of her hair. "I told you so."

She grabbed her chopsticks and started eating again keeping her gaze down.


"Hmm?" she glanced up. "How what?"

"How do you know the future?" she fidgeted This is gonna be a joy to explain! "I stumbled.. um.. upon.. uh.. a book.. and um.. it had.. uh.. stories! So I read.. a bit.. and um.. yeah" smooth.

"So you know the future. How much?" More fidgeting.

"Weeeell.. I guess a long while into the future." She glanced at him noticing the pajamas he was wearing. They had cute stars and planets on them. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "This is your silver age right?"

"Eh?" he smiled confused.

"I mean, um.. how old are you?" he laughed his signature laugh albeit a bit weakly.

"HA HA HA, that's rude to ask isn't it?" he teased making her blush and give him a flat look.

"C'mon.. I know you dodge the question but.." he smiled at her amused making her huff, "Fine! Don't tell me. I know until you're um.. 49 years old." The look on his face was priceless and she couldn't stop herself from avoiding his gaze.

"F-forty nine?!" she nodded still looking away.

"Well, um, I don't know everything but the major events. I also know about other people like um.. Tenko and um.. your.. uh.. quirk.." his grin had disappeared and she felt herself sink a bit on herself. She knew she was dropping heavy stuff on him but she wasn't a very good liar.

"You can't just expect me to believe you shane-sa—"

"OFA" grey latched on to blue and she knew that was all she needed to mention.

The silence was suffocating but part of her felt relieved. Keira had been carrying that secret for a while now and it was weighting down on her. To have someone know, she felt a bit of the weight lift.

"Shane-san, you—" he suddenly stood up, one of his hands cupping his ear as he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'll be back." He crouched down and was in the air in less than a minute, his PJs transforming into his suit. Keira slumped as soon as she was alone. She leaned back on her chair and looked up at the sky. Little footsteps got her attention making her look towards them to find Tenko holding onto an All Might figurine and scratching his eyes.

"Tencchan hey, why're you up?" he kept scratching and she could feel his eyes holding back tears.

"I had.. a bad dream.." she went towards him and opened her arms. He went towards her and she carried him up and went inside towards his room.

"It's okay Tencchan. I'm here." She smiled at him warmly and the boy gazed up at her with tears in his eyes. He kept scratching, but once she set him on the bed, she slowly held his hands and removed them gently from his face.

"Do you want to talk about it Tencchan?" he looked down hugging the figurine and she almost thought he wasn't going to say anything.

"I saw.. Mon-chan and.. H-hana-chan.. and.. f-f-fath-th.." Keira didn't hesitate and wrapped her arms around him. He started wailing as she rocked him back and forth.

"It's okay Tencchan. It's going to be okay." She kept whispering in his ears.

"I.. I k-k-killed th-them.. I'm a v..villain.." she felt her eyes tearing up as she held him tighter.

"No you're not! You're the sweetest boy ever!" He looked up at her with wide eyes before crying more, his gloved hands clutching her in a hug. She patted his hair and laid down with him on the bed.

Heavy, confident footsteps filled the hallway after a while as the tired number one hero trudged towards his room. On his way, he peeked at Tenko's room to find Keira and Tenko hugging and asleep.

He got a blanket and covered them, his gaze lingering as he remembered the conversation a while ago. He would make sure those two were safe from All For One. Now with all the information she told him, he realized the gravity of the situation. She was unexpected in every single way and she knew about his quirk. Dread filled him as he imagined her captured by All For One. And the future.. silver age! He felt a bit of excitement at people saying he was in silver age, that meant there was a golden age coming! But 49 years old?! Oh my.. I felt like an old man when she said it.. What will I be like? She had created a lot of questions for him to dwell on but for now, the only thing he needed to do, was make sure they were safe and hidden from All For One.

In a not-so-far-away hideout, the white haired man grinned maliciously at the unexpected turn of events. It was more of a sneer as he looked at the dark swirling portal beside him.

"It seems we still have a chance Kurogiri." Glee filled his voice as he held a photo showing Shimura Kotaro and his family. The man's eyes settled only on the little boy in the photo. He placed it down beside another one of a woman with short black hair and grey eyes. "She even looks like her. What a splendid opportunity I have now."

Tenko opened his eyes slowly waking up. He was warm and there were no bad dreams. When his red eyes glanced up, they saw the woman who had become almost a mother figure to him these last months. She was asleep, her black hair going on her nose and a bit inside her mouth. Tenko smiled a bit when he noticed she was drooling. She had a weird expression on her face.

"..on't.. co.. ba.. monkey.." his smiled widened and he snuggled back beside her back to the warmth he always felt from her. Memories and guilt still haunted him but he felt lighter once he was more in her arms. The next time he woke up, the bed was empty. He went outside looking for her to find her munching on an apple.

"Tencchan good morning!" she grinned at the sight of him, "Did you sleep well?"

He nodded smiling slightly and went to sit at the empty space beside her where she patted it. "Where is All Might?"

"He's heroing. You know Tencchan, heroes are so busy huh?" she took another bite as the boy nodded at her.

"Say Tencchan, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" the question came out lightly but the boy hadn't noticed the curious and cautious gleam in her eyes.

He looked down and she noticed some red tinted his cheeks, "H..hero.." her eyes teared up and she blinked them away quickly.

"You wanna be like All Might hmm~?" she smiled teasingly and he blushed more still looking down. He flinched when he felt her fingers gently tilt his chin up so he was facing her. Tenko felt breathless when he saw the fierce yet somehow gentle look in her eyes as she locked her eyes with his.

"You're gonna be a great hero, Tencchan." And she saw his tears well up and him quickly blinking them away.

"B..b..but I.." he stuttered and looked away and she knew what he wanted to say.

"Tenko, it doesn't matter what happened. The past is gone. The only thing we should do is learn from it, nothing else. It doesn't define us okay?" She put his hands on his shoulders and waited until he met her gaze, "I want you to hold your head up, smile, and do the best you can to follow your dreams. Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't!" and he could do nothing but stare before nodding and hugging her.

After a few moments, she decided that was enough deep talk, "Now! What do you want for breakfast?" 

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