Chapter 8

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The next day came surprisingly quick, but I was still dying with excitement when Paul finally showed up. Ask Bunny, I was bouncing in my boot,  eventhough my right ankle killed, I didn't really care :P I was going to see my boy....s in a little bit.

It had taken me about 2 hours to pick out this outift, until Bunny just went through my suitcase and threw the clothes at me.


She did my make up in sparkles and put my hair into a messy bun for me, since my arm was in the sling and I wasn't able to put my hair up anyway.

I threw my clothes into my suitcase and zipped it up so that Paul could grab it; I wasn't allowed to lift anything.

"Girls, are you ready to go?" I heard Paul call to us. He came in and grabbed my suitcase and walked back out into the main room.

I rushed out, almost tripping, but Bunny caught me, "You definitely do belong in the air." She whispered in my ear. I swatted her shoulder and all but ran out of the door on Paul's heels as I pulled on the panda coat that Niall had gotten me. I just the side of it over my left arm.

Paul ushered us to the lobby our suitcases in hand, but we stopped dead when we saw the huge crowd of One Direction fans walking down the sidewalk. And I knew that they would recognize me if I went out there. I swore and stood behind Bunny, so no one could see me just in case they looked in the window. They would go on a tweet spree and the boys would find out I was here.

Paul pulled out his phone, "Can you pull the car around to the back? There's a bunch of fans outside and we don't want them to see Phoenix and let the boys know. Okay, thanks." He said, hanging up. He turned to me and Bunny, "There aren't any fans walking behind the hotel, so we're safe there. Come on." He said, herding us to the back of the hotel, flashing his ID at some of the employees that were about to ask. They shut right up.

We made it to the black SUV that was waiting behind the hotel. Paul actually picked me up and put me in, knowing I would have some difficulty doing it, and put my suitcase in the trunk. Bunny put hers next to mine and climbed in next to me. I saw Josh, the drummer for the boys, "Hi Josh." I said slowly.

"Sup, Spitfire? How ya been?" He asked.

"I've been better. What about you?" I asked, buckling into the seat, being careful of my arm.

"I've been good. Niall misses you alot, but I can't wait to see the look on his face when you get on stage." He replied, smiling until he was pushed over on the seat by Paul, who slid into the drivers seat. I laughed when Josh pouted. 

Paul drove us to the arena and parked in the back where no one could see us. Josh jumped out and shot into the building like his life depended on it, "He's just going to go tell everyone else that you're here." Paul said, picking me up out of my seat and setting me gently on the ground, Bunny jumping down next to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, gently, of course.

Paul ushered us inside and into a dressing room where small arms wrapped around my left leg. I scooped the little criminal up into my good arm, "Hey Bugs, how ya been?" I asked the adorable little girl that just mewled like a kitten, "What, you don't recognize me?" I asked, squeezing her side and making her squeal with laughter.

"Nissy!" She cried with happiness, throwing her arms around my neck.

I chuckled, rocking her. I smiled even bigger when I saw Lou standing there with a big smile on her face, "Hey, Lou, I missed you." I said as the older woman engulfed me into a warm hug that didn't hurt me at all. She pulled away and I pushed Bunny forward, "I'd like you to meet my sister, Bunny." I said. Lou's eyes narrowed minisculey, but her expression changed instantly and she engulfed my sister into the same hug.

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