Chapter 9

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After the concert, the boys ran off stage and Niall ran straight to me, hugging me, "How are you feeling? Do you want to sit down? Do you-" I cut the little worried leprechaun off by pressing my lips to this. There were a few wolf whistles before I pulled away, but I just ignored them.

I pulled away and leaned my head on Niall's chest, "I'm fine. Quit worrying so much." I said, slowly so he would get it.

He smiled, "No." He responded simply. I sighed in defeat and pulled out of his arms, but laced my fingers through his. I turned to the boys and motioned them to follow me.

They looked confused, "There's someone I want you guys to meet." I said, looking around. I finally saw Bunny, standing next to Lou with Lux on her hip, smiling. I led the boys over, "Guys, this is my older sister, Bunny. Bunny, this is Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry." I introduced.

Surprisingly, Bunny remained calm, even though I knew she fangirling on the inside. She gave each on of the boys hugs, with a "you guys did really good" and ruffled my hair. I glared at her for doing that, but she only laughed.

"El, Dani, Perrie!" I heard Louis call. Before I knew it, I was being squeezed to death by 3 of my best friends. I had grown close to them while I had been with the boys up until 3 months ago. I was barely ever able to talk to them because of the time differences. 

I introduced the girls to Bunny. They were kind of wary at first, but I knew they were going to get along because they exchanged numbers.

"Come on, guys, we have to get back to the hotel." Paul said, coming up behind us.

Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me along with him to the black SUV that was sitting in the same spot it had been when Paul had brought Bunny and I here.

We got in and I snuggled into Niall's side. I didn't know that Louis had taken a picture of Niall and I until my phone buzzed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled when I saw the picture of me and Niall kissing after the concert. I actually like the picture. I showed it to Niall and a huge grin spread across his face, telling me he liked the picture, too.

"I love you." Niall whispered softly in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back. His arm curled around my shoulders, being careful of my left one, and pulled me even closer into his side.

Louis and El were sitting in the back having a tweet spree, me and Niall the main topic of it. El was gushing about how cute Niall and I were, posted a few pictures of us, even though you could only see the back of our heads and Niall's arm around my shoulders.

Louis only kept teasing us, "So the Leprechaun fell in love with the midget..." and "Never knew pandas and furbies mixed.". I laughed at the last one.

We made it to the hotel and I paled when I saw all the girls standing in front of the hotel. Niall's arm stiffened and curled around me alittle tighter and his other hand grabbed mine, "Shit..." He muttered. I heard Louis mumble in agreement.

The car stopped straight across from the doors, but then our car was swarmed. It was a damn good thing the doors were locked, cuz I think I would have died if they were unlocked. THANKFULLY, some of the other security guards came around and pushed the girls back, even though it was only a small space to get through.

Niall got out of the SUV before me and grabbed my waist, lifting me up and then setting me on the ground. Screams were heard everywhere, louder than at MSG... if it was possible. Louis and El got out of the SUV and stood near us. I knew the other boys weren't that far behind, and Bunny was riding with Lou and Lux as far as I knew.

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