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Kuroo and Bokuto stares intensely at the pc screen, the black numbers staring mockingly back at them.

''1 more''

The only thought going through their minds.

''Only 1 more''

As if reading their minds, the numbers on the screen changed.

Bokuto turns his head, only to find Kuroo staring at him, those golden eyes glinting in delight.

''Bro, did we just....''

''Yes, we did''

Suddenly, they're both moving, jumping up from their positions on Bokuto's bed. Unfortunately, Kuroo misjudges the space between his feet and the bed side, and he loses his balance. He grabs after Bokuto's forearms, sending both tumbling to the floor.

They stare at each other in shock before they burst out laughing.

''5 fucking million, Koutaro'' Kuroo whisper, barely hearable.

''5 fucking million, Tetsuro'' Bokuto whispers back.

It's quiet until the sound of footsteps outside the bedroom can be heard and the bedroom door opens, revealing Akaashi, Bokuto's boyfriend, and Kenma, Kuroo's boyfriend. While Kenma has his own gaming channel, with around 7 million subscribers, Akaashi prefers to live in peace, though, he is a big part of Kuroo and Bokuto's channel, as all their fans love him.

''So? Did you....?''

Instead of answering, Bokuto tackles Akaashi in a hug, nodding eagerly.

Meanwhile, Kenma was trying to grab his phone back from Kuroo, ''Kuroo Tetsuro, if you don't give me my pho-''

''But kitten, we reached 5 million subscribers!''

Kenma pauses and blinks slowly, ''What? You really did?''

Kuroo nods, ''Yeah, so give me a kiss'' Kenma rolls his eyes, a fond expression on his face, ''Fine'' He stands on his toes and pecks Kuroo on the lips, ''Now, give me my phone''. Kuroo hums, satisfied, and lowers the phone so Kenma reaches it. Kenma snatches it out of his hands and settles down on Bokuto's bed. After some minutes, he is joined by Akaashi who finally got out from Bokuto's death grip.

''You guys are going live?''

''Yep. I'm just gonna set up the phone real quick''

5 minutes later and everyone has settled down on the bed. Bokuto is leaning against the wall with Akaahi between his legs, leaning against his chest. Kuroo was leaning against the headboard, Kenma laying with his head in his lap.

''3 sec''

''2 sec''

''1 sec''

''Brofriends are live!''

Immediately the chat exploded. It was like 2 million on the second.

''How do they even join so fast?''

Kuroo waves at the phone, ''Hello everyone! So today we reached 5 million!''

''5 million, like WoW'' Bokuto makes hand gestures, nearly slapping poor Akaashi in the face.

''So anyway, as our 5 million special, we decided we do whatever the top comment says!''

''We announce the top comment 3 days from now on'' Bokuto says, followed by Kuroo saying, ''So, comment challenges and we see you guys soon!''

With that, they ended the live. They decided to not look at the comments before they were announcing it to they're fans.


3 days pass like a blur and suddenly, they're ready to go live again. This time they settle down on the couch in the living room, phone propped up against a glass on the table.

''Brofriends are live''

Just as every other time, the screen was spammed with comments.

''Hey everyone! Today we're announcing what challenge we be doing for our next video!'' Bokuto gestures to Akaashi, who is on his phone, reading through the comments on their previous live, ''Akaashi, if you could read it out loud''

Akaashi nods and blink at the phone before cleaning his throat, ''So, the top comment says; Could you guys do a collaboration with your friends' channels and play hide and seek? That would be so cool!''

The four boys' exchanges looks, Kuroo slowly nodding, ''I think we could make that work, yes''

Bokuto claps his hands, smiling wide, ''Then it's settled! Keep your eyes open for the new video, bye everyone''

Kenma ends the live and they sit there in silence for a while before Akaashi breaks it. ''I ask them''




I just randomly decided to edit this whole book, so, enjoy, I guess?

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