Bro, we're so smart

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Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo and Kenma are laying on the couch, watching some new horror movie, when Akaashi's phone starts going off.

At first, they just ignored it. But after a few minutes the beeping comes unbearable.


Akaashi sights and gets up and out from Bokuto's embrace, his boyfriend letting out a whine in protest, and reaches for his phone. He unlocks it and reads through the messages.

He pauses the movie, earning a grunt from Kuroo. ''Why?'' Kuroo whines, dragging out the word. Akaashi rolls his eyes, ''The others are in for the video''

Kuroo and Bokuto shoots up from the couch, Kenma and Akaashi sharing and unamused look. ''Let's go!'' Kuroo shouts, jumping on Bokuto's back. Bokuto easily catches him and starts running around the living room.

Akaashi shakes his head in amusement.

Kenma sits up from where he was earlier laying up down on the couch and fake coughs to get the shouting boys's attention, ''Have you guys even planned where we're going to film the video? Or when?''.

Bokuto stops running around, Kuroo slowly sliding down his back and coming to stand beside him. The confused look on their faces slowly changes to something more confident, ''Noooo, but I got an idea! I have the perfect place in mind''.

Bokuto gasps and turns to look at him, ''Bro, you're thinking what I'm thinking?''. Kuroo eagerly nods, ''I'm definitely thinking what you're thinking.'' Bokuto nods, ''We're so smart bro''.

Kuroo nods seriously, ''We're really smart''. Kuroo then grabs his phone from the table and walks towards the kitchen, ''I just gotta take a quick call''.

Kuroo re-emerges from the kitchen sometime later, a triumphant smirk on his face, ''I booked the place, we got it all for ourselves!''. Kenma doesn't like the tone of his boyfriend's voice, ''Where exactly is this?''.

'' *** **** ''

''Your joking, right?'' Kenma asks, desperation clear on his face, ''Please say you're joking''.

No answer.


Kenma looks over at Akaashi, just to find him already looking back him. They send each other the; ''We're fucked'', look.

Akaashi shifts his gaze to the smirking boy, ''When?''


Akaashi nods and quickly types something into his phone, ''I let the others know''. When he's done, he puts his phone down on the table and settles back down on the couch, starting the movie again.

Kenma and Akaashi are quickly attacked by excited, flying boys.

- So, meet up at *** **** on Friday morning. I recommend bringing swimtrunks.




I'm posting these first chapters for now, and some more later this week for those intrested.

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