3, 2, 1, go!

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The room burst into whistles and shouts as the pair behind the door is revealed.

None other than Suna Rintaro himself.

Some of the boys went to collage with him and became good friends. Some years later, they're still friends and world known youtubers. Suna just has the personality that draws people in, easily gaining fans by each video he posts.

His boyfriend, Miya Osamu, owner of his own restaurant chain 'Miya onigiris' and half time youtuber, lets out a long sight, ''Sorry, I swear he's not high or anything''. The comment easily draws out a laughter or two.

Though, it's interrupted by a loud squeal, ''Omg, Suna-babe!''. In one second, Oikawa is sitting on a chair, and in the next, he has slung himself against Suna, sending them both tumbling to the floor. ''Kawa-babe!'', Suna says, a glee expression on his face as he hugs the male back.

Both of their boyfriends facepalms.

Sometime later Suna and Osamu are standing beside Kuroo, ready to starts filming again. ''Akaashi, make sure to film this next part''. Akaashi nods and double checks to see if all three males are in the frame.

''As you guys can probably tell, we managed to get our hands at these two'', Kuroo gestures to the two boys beside him. Suna winks at the camera while Osamu grins. Kuroo is interrupted by loud cheers and scowls. Suga gestures for everyone to quiet down, which they quickly do.

''Suna will participate in our game, while Osamu will cook for us. Since we have no idea how long we will be here''. Again, he is interrupted by cheers but this time he doesn't bother trying to silence them. Who would, when they just got to know that the Miya Osamu would cook for them?

Some significant time later, and it's quiet enough to speak again.

Suna has already wandered over to the rest of the competitors, sitting beside Tanaka in one of the couches. Osamu has stalked over to where Suga are standing, leaning on the wall. ''Me and Bokuto,'' Kuroo gestures between himself and Bokuto, who has gone to join him, ''will explain the rules''. Bokuto waves his hands dismissively in the air, ''All the boring stuff, you know''.

''As you know, we will be playing hide and seek, but with a twist, to make it a little more exciting''. Bokuto eagerly nods, ''Yeah, we will be playing seek and tag. That means the seekers must touch the person to eliminate them.'' Bokuto explains, facing the competitors, ''Listen closely now, cause we're only explaining this once!''.

1. The hiders only get eliminated if they're touched by the seeker. If you get eliminated, you're out of the game and have to go to the cafe. Aka, the dead zone.
2. You can hide everywhere, as long as it is inside the park.
3. You are allowed to partner up with other hiders or go solo.
4. You can't lock doors.
5. If you want food, you have to make your way to the cafe. Osamu's going to put out food on the tables. Of course, that's on your own risk, as the seekers can wander there too.
6. If you jump in the pools for whatever reason, dry off before walking anywhere else.
7. Everything else is allowed!

Everyone slowly nods their heads, signalising they understand the rules. Probably.

''Uhm...I have a question'' Hinata says, Kuroo nodding, ''Who's seeking?''. Kuroo visibly brightens, ''Good question! Me, Bokubro and Daichi are seekers. But if it gets too hard, we add more'' Kuroo explains.

''Does anyone else have questions?'' Bokuto ask, looking over the participants. Noya raises his hand, ''What's the prize?''. The two seekers share a look, smiling smugly.

''The prize will be the title: Ultimate Hide and seek, tag king'', Kuroo nods to Osamu. ''And a gift card at my restaurant'' Osamu finishes for him.

That makes everyone start shouting.

''I'm sooooooo winning this shit!'' Tanaka yells, ''Yes shit bro!'' Nishinoya joins in, practically vibrating in his seat. The shouts are still going strong several minutes later and Suga sights.

''Could everybody please shut the fuck up!?'' Suga says in his mom tone, sending shivers down everybody's spines. It immediately gets quiet. Suga smiles sweetly, replacing the stern expression, ''I will be in the control room, making sure no one drowns''

With that, Suga wanders out of the café, Osamu heading into the kitchen, leaving only the participants left. ''Daichi, can you hand out the waterproof cameras?'' Kuroo asks, holding out a bag. Daichi shrugs and takes it, walking around and letting the boys pull one out of the bag.

''Well, let's get this started!'' Bokuto exclaims, ''You guys get 5 minutes to hide''.

''Good luck everyone!''

With the last sentence, everybody spreads out, moving in different directions. Oikawa jogs towards the first door he sees. Turns out he made his way into the water park. He looks around, searching for a good hiding spot.

He raises the camera, ''Hey guys, we just started and I'm looking for a place to hide'', he says, moving the camera so everyone could get a look at the inside water park. ''Maybe I could climb up there'', he points at the latter leading up to a platform with 4 different water slides.


He pockets the camera and quickly makes his way over, climbing the latter with ease. When he comes to the top, he lets his gaze wander over the different slides.

''Perfect escape routs, too'', he mumbles.

His eyes slide over to the fake plants surrounding an open area by the wall. It's small and barely noticeable. He walks closer and just as he expected, he could easily move them. He lays down on his stomach, crawling into the green world.

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