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Kuroo wakes everyone up at precisely 7am friday morning, by running around the house and blasting music from a speaker. ''Get up, you lazy asses!''.

An angry Akaashi comes stalking towards him in the hallway, a pillow in his hands, ''Kuroo!''

Kuroo screams and runs down the stairs and outside. ''I think I just wait here!'' He shouts just before the front door closes with a bang.

15 minutes later everyone is in the car, Kuroo driving while Bokuto is munching on a sandwich beside him. Akaashi and Kenma are sitting in the back seat, scrolling through their phones.

Bokuto has just swallowed the last bit of his sandwich when Kuroo announces that they have arrived at their destination. Everyone looks out the windows and up at the huge building in front of them.

Kuroo pulls up in front of the main entrance, turning off the engine and jumping out the door with light steps. Bokuto is right behind, energetically jogging to catch up with him.

Akaashi and Kenma follows after them in a slower, more relaxed pace. They catch up with their boyfriends just as Bokuto is knocking on the door. Not even 5 seconds later, it swings open to reveal the devil himself.

''Hello everyone!'' The silver haired male says, smiling sweetly at them.

''Suga!'' Bokuto shouts, smiling wide.

Suga moves to make space for them, ''Come on in, I'm sure you guys want to set up some stuff before everyone else arrives''.

He doesn't have to ask twice.

Bokuto had already disappeared down the wide hallway and into a back room. Akaashi sights and jogs after his boyfriend, the three other boys chuckling at him.

''I don't get how people have so much energy in the morning'', Kenma says as they start walking in the direction the couple went. Kuroo lets out a gasp in amazement as they pass one of the windows.

The building where they're going to film the video is an out and inside waterpark x indoor playground, owned by Suga and Daichi. Kenma has no idea how they managed to buy it.

They arrive inside the backroom some minutes later. There, Bokuto, Akaashi and Daichi we're sitting on a couch and chatting about god knows what.

Kuroo whistles to get their attention, ''Let's get started!''


Kenma slumps down on one of the couches, letting out a long sight. He's so tired. He has been setting up some extra cameras all over the place. Even inside slides! 

''Fucking rooster'', he angrily mumbles, ''Why the hell do you need extra cameras when it's security cameras all over the place!?''. He shakes his head and fishes out his phone from his pocket.

Some minutes later, Akaashi comes to join him on the couch.

They sit in a comfortable silence, until it's interrupted by Bokuto and Kuroo coming wandering inside the room, loudly talking. ''Bro, did you invite.... you know....''. Kuroo smirks, ''Of course I did! One of the world's most famous YouTubers and free food!''

Bokuto beams at him.

Suddenly, Suga comes sprinting in the door, ''The others arrived!'' He says before turning and heading towards the café located in the centre of the building.

The four youtubers are quick to follow.

As they enter the café, they're met with the sight of Oikawa, Hinata, Noya and Tanaka sitting around a table and chatting, presumably catching up on each other's business.

Hinata is the first to notice them, as he locks eyes with yellow ones, ''Bokuto-san!'', he shouts in glee before jumping of the chair and running towards him. The two share a high five.

''Shouyo, it's been so long since last I saw you! Any taller yet?'', Bokuto asks, eyebrows wiggling in a teasing manner. Hinata scoffs, ''Just for your information, I actually grew an inch!''.

Bokuto laughs, and later they're joined by Kageyama, Iwaizumi and Daichi.

However, their chat is cut short as a loud whistle ring through the café, succsesfully shutting everyone up. Suga gestures to Kuroo, who was standing in the middle of the café.

In the corner, Akaashi was sitting with a camera in his hand which was pointing in Kuroo's direction. Kuroo signalizes for Akaashi to start filming, which he does as the red light blinks on.

''Hello everyone, welcome back to our channel! Today we have a very special video, just for you guys! But before that, we want to thank you for all of your support!''

Akaashi moves the camera, as he films everyone else in the room. Oikawa throws up a peace sign while Nishinoya and Tanaka makes grimaces. The camera travels back to Kuroo, who is looking smugly back at it, ''But we're not starting yet, cause we're waiting for some special guests''

The boys in the room exchange curious looks, as they weren't informed of it.

As on cue, the door swung open, revealing two familiar faces.

''Hello fellow whore's''

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