''You're boring''

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''Yo guys...'' Akaashi says, looking concerned. ''Did you hear that?''. Nishinoya and Tanaka exchange glances, ''Hear wh-'', Tanaka didn't get to finish before Kuroo breaches the surface in front of them, ''BoOoOoO!''.

Nishinoya curses loudly, ''Fuck!'', and jumps to his feet in panic, ''Run! Or.... swim, doesn't fucking matter!''. Tanaka has already jumped into the water on the opposite side of the floating madras. Nishinoya and Akaashi follows right behind, cameras in hand.

Kuroo lets out a loud sight and swims after the trio.

Meanwhile, the trio has reached the pool's side, quickly dragging themselves up from the water. Kuroo is hot on their heels, missing Tanaka's foot with just a few inches. ''Nice try rooster! You gotta do better than that!'' Tanaka shouts over his shoulder. He has picked up his clothes and is quickly making his way into the huge building.

Kuroo pulls himself out of the water, cursing in frustration. While Kuroo was distracted by the bald male, Nishinoya and Akaashi had made their way up the ladder to the waterslides. Where he had just been. Now he stares up at them in irritation while Nishinoya does a victory dance.

Suddenly, an idea pops up in his brain. ''God, I'm such a genius!''. He picks up his abandoned phone and tastes in a number, smirking with mischief.


Bokuto has just burst through the door to the indoor playground. 

Kenma heard him and quickly shut off his phone, placing it in his pocket. He picks up the small camera, ready to bolt any moment, should it be necessary. Hinata on the other hand, has a small problem. Bokuto has already spotted him and is effectively making his way through the play tower.

Hinata looks down, frowning, ''Too far down for me to land safely''. The ginger reaches forward to grab his camera but freezes half-way. There, righter under his nose, is a gigantic foam pit. In his haste to quickly get away, Hinata nearly forgets his camera. Bokuto has reached the top, and there's barely 3 meters between them.

Bokuto looks triumphantly at the smaller boy, grinning from ear to ear, ''I got you now!''. Hinata shakes his head, smirking, ''I think not''. The tallest of the pair can only stare in shock as the ginger jumps off the edge, sailing through the air.

''What the actual fuck?''.

Hinata is laughing loudly, his plan working perfectly. He lands safely in the middle of the pit, his fall softened by the foam pieces. ''Did you see that guys!? It was amazing!''. The youtuber sinks into the foam, sighting in satisfaction, ''You know what? I might just stay here''.  It's much more comfortable than he imagined. 

Kenma, who has been hiding under the slide the whole time, watching the scene unfolding, chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. ''Idiots''. The cat like boy slinks over to the pit's side, ''Shoyo! Cmon lets ditch that owl''. 

The ginger hadn't heard him and jumps 2 feet into the air in surprise, ''Kenma! What the fuck?''. Hinata drags himself out of the pit, ''When did you get here?''. Kenma shrugs, ''I've been here the entire time''. 

Hinata looks at him, calculating, before shrugging and grabbing Kenma's hand, ''So? What are we waiting here for!?''.

Meanwhile, Bokuto is looking at the pair from his place in the tower, dissapointed. It wasn't supposed to be this hard, was it? His thoughts are interrupted by his phone ringing. The screen is lit up with the letters Kubro. ''Hello?''.

Something with Kuroo's tone tells him that said male is smirking in satisfaction, ''Hey bro, I just got the best idea! Listen closely.......''


Oikawa holds his breath, muscles tense. Daichi has been searching the huge hall for about 40 minutes now. ''There's no way he finds me here'', he states lowly to the camera. ''Or?''. The brunette looks up from the camera, but Daichi isn't there.

''Where the fuck did he go?''. Oikawa scans the hall but can't get an eye on the male. ''Maybe he left?''. Nope, Daichi is at the top of the ladder, staring straight at the plants intensely. Oikawa grabs the camera, ready to run for his life. That seems to have been the right decision, because not even 5 seconds later, Daichi is heading straight towards him.

''Shit!'', Oikawa flies up from his hiding spot, sprinting right past the chaser. Said male is staring after him, wide-eyed and mouth agape. Oikawa winks at him from over his shoulder, only to falter in his steps when he realises exactly where he is. 

Because the only way down is to take a slide. Waterslide to be exact. Which means he will get soaked. ''NO! My hair! My CLOTHES!''. Oikawa looks over his shoulder, seeing Daichi smirk knowingly as he stalked closer. Something about that smirk irked Oikawa.

''Don't even think about taking another step!''.

The chaser raises an eyebrow, ''And what if I do?''. Oikawa shrug helplessly, ''Just don't!''. Daichi takes a step closer. ''Cmon man!'', at this point Oikawa is whining. ''Just take a slide, it's really not that complicated''.

''B-But my ha-hair!'', Oikawa inwardly smacks himself for stuttering. Daichi shrugs, ''Then you're out I guess''. There's about 2 meters separating the two males. Oikawa looks at the slide closest to him. It goes around and around and around..... 7 times!, before ending in a big pool.

''You know what? Fuck you!''.

Then Oikawa is sliding, around and around and around,,,,, before hitting the water.


Iwaizumi still has no idea where they are, and if he has to take a guess, Kageyama doesn't either. The dou rounds a corner, causing Iwaizumi to collide into something. Rather someone. Tanaka is on the floor, laughing his ass off.

''Are you okay?...'' Iwaizumi offers the bald male a hand and helps him back to his feet, ''Yeah, than-'', then Tanaka is on the floor again, laughing even harder. If that even is possible. ''Are you sure you're okay?'', Kageyama asks.

''Ju-just look!'', Tanaka points behind them.

The pair turns around, only to find a soaking wet Oikawa standing there, ''Iwa-chan!''. The wet male runs towards his boyfriend, only to get side-stepped, and he ends up on top of Tanaka, who isn't laughing anymore. ''Oh man, I just dried off!''.

Kageyama and Iwaizumi help the duo back to their feet, both pouting but for different reasons, ''You're so mean!'', Oikawa complains to his boyfriend. Tanaka is staring mournfully down at his now wet clothes. 

Their reunion is cut off by footsteps behind them. The hiders turn, only to find Bokuto standing there. ''Well, well, well, what do we got here?''. The chaser is grinning from ear to ear. ''Oh shit'', Kageyama curses. ''Yeah shit'', Tanaka mumbles.

Iwaizumi squares his shoulders, ''Just you go, I hold him up''. Tanaka looks at him questioningly, ''You sure man?''. Iwaizumi scoffs, ''Of course I am''. The bald male shrugs, grabs Oikawa and Kageyama by their hands and runs in the opposite direction.

''Thanks bro!'', then they disappear behind another corner. Seriously, why are there so many corners here? 

Iwaizumi doesn't even try to dodge Bokuto's outstretched hand that lands on his shoulder. ''Got you!'', Bokuto cheers before staring at him intensely, ''Why'd you give up so easily?''. Iwaizumi smirks, ''Because Osamu should be done with the food and if I'm out I can eat as much as I want''.

''Ooooo that's smart!'', Bokuto nods in in understanding before grinning smugly, ''Well, I gotta go now, got people to chase''. Iwaizumi stared stunned after the chaser before shrugging.

Okay, how to get back to the cafeteria? The speaker goes off as Iwaizumi starts heading back in the direction he came from, Suga's voice heard through the speakers, ''Our first elimination is a boring one! Bokuto eliminates Iwaizumi in just a second!''.

Iwaizumi scoffs. ''You're boring'', he mutters childishly.

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