Noya and Tanaka

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''Yo, Ryū throw, me the yellow one''

Tanaka reach inside the backpack laying on the ground beside his feet and fishes up a yellow can of spray paint. He carelessly throws the spray bottle to Nishinoya, confident that the boy will catch it.

'' Throw me the blue one'', Tanaka says, gesturing to the can standing beside Nishinoya's feet. Nishinoya bends down and picks it up. He shakes it slowly, ''It's empty'', he explains, laying it back down.

Tanaka is just about to say something, his mouth open when they hear the sound of sirens coming from somewhere behind them. They immediately react, bending down and picking up all the different spray bottles and stuffing them down in their backpacks.

''You ready to go?'' Tanaka asks after pulling up the hood of his jacket, left foot impatiently tapping the ground. Nishinoya shakes his head, ''Give me 2 sec, I need a picture of this''.

Tanaka anxiously waits for him. He keeps looking back to the alley entrance as the sound of sirens grow louder. Two cop cars pull up some meters down the alley just as Nishinoya puts his phone in his pocket.


Nishinoya turns and runs down the back way, while Tanaka sprints in the opposite direction. There's yelling from behind, but Nishinoya ignores it and keep running.

Suddenly, further up aged, a high fence comes into view. Nishinoya jumps up on one of the trash cans, and then he is flying over the fence, yelling; ''Rolling thunder!''. He hits the ground on the other side and quickly rolls over and into some bushes.

While he is laying down, panting from the exercise, his phone vibrates in his pocket. He pulls it out of his pocket, looking at the message.

Crazy owl🤪🦉
- You guys up to play hide and seek with us? It's for our 5 mill special.
Btw try not getting caught so I don't need to bail you out. Again.

Nishinoya chuckles and quickly types back a reply, already knowing Tanaka will agree to it.

Crazy kid
-We're in as long as we can do, you know😏
And no, we didn't get caught.

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