Not Allowed

206 6 1

November 3rd 2021

I made it to the spot he told me to meet him at, it was a field. I walk into the field and put my speaker on the grass, and settled down for a minute, thinking Toby would at least text me if he was here. After a while I looked around and saw him. Toby stood up right where the sun hit his face perfectly. 'Woah, he's really pretty. Wait no! Everyone hold up!' I look at the ground quickly, my thoughts were running all over the place. I'm guessing he saw me and just smiled, I smiled back a little but then started to panic.

'I can't like him, at least not yet. Its too soon, that shouldn't be a problem anyways because I don't like him!' It ran and ran through my brain too many times.

I try to forget it but it won't leave me alone all I can think of is 'He's pretty. No, I can't date him.' Over and over. I let out a frustrated sigh, I disconnect my phone from the speaker. I text Toby that I would be back, no specific reason, I just said I'll be back.

I stand up quickly and leave the field, there was no general direction I was going but I desperately needed to clear my head. 'Ding' I open my phone and Toby texted me asking if I was okay, I answered back saying yeah. I close my phone and pocket it, it seemed like I was heading to my house. There was no reason to go home but apparently I thought there was.

I make it home only to realize I left my keys in the field, perfect. I sit on my door step, thinking about this whole thing.

'I don't like him. You wouldn't need to tell yourself you don't like him if it was true. I just thought he was pretty and now I have feelings!? Yes you do, you can't get rid of these feelings. You have to face it, you like him and he doesn't like you back. Go away, shut up, leave me alone.'

And with that, the thoughts went away. I stood up and walked back to the park.

I eventually made it back and went to sit by my speaker, I left it here because there was no point to take it with me.

Toby came up to me with Tommy beside him. "Where did you go?" He asked with curiosity.

"I just went on a small walk, I needed to think for a moment." I said, I have my head down, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Are you sure?" He asked, concerned.


He nodded slightly and walked off with Tommy, they started talking about something. I connected my phone to the speaker and played my playlist again, I started picking flowers and weaved them together. I was making a flower crown.

It seemed like every flower that i used were either broken, dried out, or dead. But, I finished it, I stared at it for a good minute, it looked so sad and dead. I slowly put it on, I listened to the music, nodding slowly with the beat. After a few minutes, Toby came back over, but Tommy wasn't with him this time.

He sat next to me, not saying a word. His head turned towards me.

"Did you make that?"

"Yeah." I take the flower crown off, somehow, it got more dead looking. Normally these flower crowns take up to 2 hours to start turning dead.

"Do they die that quickly?" He asks.

"No, they usually start dying a lot later."

He hummed. "Why is it so dead?"

"I don't know, its getting more dead by the second." I picked a couple fresh flowers and added it to the rest.

It kept it's color of a minute then it very slowly started dying. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I picked another one, it happened again but this time it was less then a minute for it to die. 'How did it die faster!?' I thought.

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