The Dragon with In

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Narrator - There once was a little boy named Codey. Codey loves to draw and color dragons. His favorite animal is the Wyvern Dragon. As Codey grew up, he begin to believe in dragons. He lives with his parents, near a mountain where he likes pretending to be a dragon. Once every new moon the northern lights will appear in the sky. Ontop of the mountain where Codey sat under the stars and watched the northern lights danced in the sky. They were going up and down like sound waves, then he closed his eyes and made a wish

The next morning Codey realized that he didn't go to bed last night. He slept on rock where was sitting. The summery grass kept him warm all night. When Codey woke up he had a minor headache. He felt the top of his head and something poked him. He went over to the river bank and saw two horns on his head. Next, he had a minor backache two big wings had spread out from his back. Next his fingers and toe nails became long

Codey - (screamed)

Narrator - Codey's father and mother came to see what was wrong, the final stage of his transformation was the ears, scales, snout and his fire breath.

Codey's  mother - Oh my baby, he's a monster!

Codey's father - What happened to you?

Codey- All I remember is that I made a wish

Codey's father- Have you heard the phrase: Be careful what you wish for?

Codey- Yes I have, Father

Codey's father- then why did you make this silly wish?

Codey- I wanted to know what it feels like being a real dragon. It's awesome!

Codey's father- Do you know how to change back into our loving son?

Codey - Unfortunately, I don't

Codey's father- Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

Codey- I'll try to turn back

Codey's father- Ok, you have four days to turn back to normal

Codey- That's not enough time, what if I'm not able to turn back in time. (Sarcasm) what will happen, your just going to leave me here?

Codey's father- You better think of something, I sure don't want to be around a monster and your mother is terrified at what you did to yourself

Narrator - Codey tried everything he can think of, he tried mediating to trust his human-self that didn't work. He tried kept saying his wish, it didn't come true. Finally there was a new moon and the northern lights appeared, but from saying his wish so much his throat became sore. The fourth day had came and the father came to check on his son. Codey looked sad and tired.

Codey's father- I see your still a monster, I'll come back and and check on you.

Narrator- Several months went by and all of a sudden Codey heard a cry for help. He flew over to a town, he saw a house on fire. He flapped his wings like a giant fan. Then the fire went out, the citizens were saved.

A citizen - Let's hear it for the Fire Destroyer!

Narrator- the crowd cheered and hollered. The next day the citizens brought food and treasures. Up to the mountain in honor of saving someone's life from a house fire. That night Codey's voice returned it was a new moon and the northern lights had appeared once again. Codey finally gotten to say his wish, the wish gave him the power to transform into a dragon anytime of day or night.

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