The Necklace and the Angel

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Narrator -This story about a young boy named Thomas. One night, Thomas had a dream about a girl

The girl- Meet me at the amusement park, there is something I need show you.

Narrator- When Thomas is on his way to the Amusement park, he came across a couple of guys.

Jerry - Who's he?

Jordan- That my friend is Thomas. He is always modest and never lies

Thomas- Hey it's not nice to gossip about other folks that includes me.

Jordan- Who said anything about gossiping, I was giving you a compliment

(Thomas waved like forget y'all)

Narrator- Once Thomas arrived to the Amusement park, he saw a girl exactly like in his dream.

Thomas- what is your name?

The Girl- my name is Togo

Thomas- did you say you needed to show me something?

Toto - yes, it's a necklace with a bird charm on it.

Narrator- after that and Thomas played some games, rode some rides, and eat cotton candy. After the amusement park Thomas went home, showered, and ate some dinner. The necklace glowed, normally when a charm glows it means that it cursed. Thomas didn't notice the charm. At night fall, Thomas decided to take off the necklace so that it doesn't get wet. The problem is that the necklace is hard to come off. Thomas tried using scissors, it is strong as steel. Thomas was going to call Toto, he forgot to ask for her phone number just incase of emergency with the necklace. Then he was going to call his parents, but they told him not to bother them while on their anniversary cruise. He went over to some jewelry stores, the people who work there were no help. Thomas gave up that night Thomas had dream about Toto

Toto - I can see a struggle in your eyes, what's the struggle?

Thomas - it's this necklace you gave me, I can't take it off. I was going to take it off do it wouldn't get wet.

Toto- the necklace I gave you is no ordinary necklace, it's a magical necklace. Unfortunately I can't remove it so you stuck with it. One last thing, you are going to-

Thomas- what was the last thing, she was about to tell me?

Narrator- Thomas looked into the refrigerator, seeing if there was anything to make for breakfast. Thomas went grocery shopping. One afternoon the bird charm had flowed again and this time, Thomas noticed it. Next, there was a knock at the door.

Thomas - I wonder who that can be? Toto,  what a surprise, please come in.

Toto- What a gentleman

Thomas - So how did you know where I lived?

Toto- I'm an alien that can read your mind.

Thomas- What?!

Toto- I'm just kidding, I'm an angel and also I asked your neighbor

Thomas- Well this is awkward the first time I saw you, you were in my dream speaking to me and same goes for the second time.  When we were at the Amusement park was that like a dream date?

(Toto blushes)

Toto- No, I don't think so just me getting to know you. Is becoming friends, How I talked to you in a dream I used a dream transmitter. So has it happened yet?

Thomas - What are you talking about?

Toto- Rats he hasn't become one yet.

Narrator- That night to went home. As Thomas went to shower, he begin to feel strange and he felt pain.

Thomas- What are you talking about?

(Then both wings spring wide on his back)

Narrator- Then all of a sudden Toto had this feeling that Thomas was in trouble. As soon as Toto arrives at Thomas's house, the transformation has been completed.

Toto (in shock)- It has happened.

Thomas- What did you do to me?

Toto- I did nothing, the necklace chose you.

Thomas- Ok, one that is creepy. I'm confused, how can a necklace do this to me?

Toto- Like I said it's magical necklace

Thomas- Don't you mean it's a cursed necklace

Toto- (sad sigh)

Narrator - The next morning Thomas got the hang of flying. Last night, he had a hard time falling asleep so he practiced all night and was really exhausted. Toto saw Thomas flying, she noticed that he was about to crash.

Toto- Thomas watch out!

Narrator- Thomas didn't hear Toto calling he was still asleep. Thomas injuries were nothing but a couple of bruises. After the rough landing, Thomas woke up. He flapped his wings just to make sure they weren't broken.

Toto- Oh Thomas. Are you ok that was some crash.

Thomas- Yes, I'm fine. Now can you please tell me why I have wings?

Toto- the reason why you have wings is because you are like an angel like me. That's why I gave you the necklace and I'm looking for a boyfriend.

(Thomas blushes)

Thomas- How come you have white wings
and I have dark wings?

Toto- My hair color is blonde that why I have white wings. Us angels get different color wings by hair color.

Thomas- Cool.

Toto (thought) - I don't want to freak out, but his wings are black because the necklace around his neck is dark magic

Thomas- Just to be clear the flash was just a warning?

Toto- Yes.

Thomas- And this is my destiny?

Toto- Yes. You are the one, you got heart of the angel and I'll help you control your wings

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