The Full Moon

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Narrator- Fredrick is an ordinary guy who always have been afraid of dogs, no one knows why. One night Fredrick and his family went to See a movie called Twilight Saga. Fredrick thought the movie was so scary that he dreamt about wolves. The truth is Fredrick wouldn't stop thinking about wolves. He has a best friend. who believes in animal spirits his name is Joe.

Joe- You need to man up, you are only 15 years old and The Twilight Saga Movie wasn't that scary. The Wolf Will teach you courage.

Narrator- Tommy is also a friend of Fredrick's. He thinks werewolves are awesome. Tommy was about to show a picture to Fredrick Joe was signaling to cut his throat, but it was too late.
Fredrick quickly ran out of the house screaming.

Tommy- What?

Narrator- Fredrick is scared of anything dog related such as hot dogs, small dogs, big dogs, and wild dogs. The next night he had another dream about wolves. In Fredrick's Dream the wolves seemed friendly.

The wolf- We want to help you.

Narrator- It was Friday moming when Fredrick woke up. The sky was blue, the birds were singing, it seemed like a beautiful day.
He decided to go for a run. Joe was getting his mail and saw Fredrick running.

Joe- What are you running from this time?

Fredrick- Nothing, I thought it was a nice day out, for a run.

Joe- Ok.

Narrator- The next night, Fredrick couldn't sleep. The moon shined brightly through his window. When he finally went to sleep, he had another dream where a wolf had bit him. He shot up wake and quickly turned on his lamp.

Fredrick- Phew, no teeth marks.

Narrator- It was sunday morning, when Fredrick realized he had dog ears and a dog tail.

Fredrick- Where did these come from?

The Wolf- They came from me. I hope this helped your dog problems.

Fredrick- Who are you, where are you, and what did you to me?

The Wolf- I made you a yokai, im your spirit animal, I am in your conscience mind. You are the only one who can hear me.

Fredrick- What is a yokai?

The Wolf- A yokai is a special spirit that dwells in us, if you have a good heart, you'll be rewarded with ears, tails, and the animal instinct. If you're heart is evil, you'll turn into a monster.

Fredrick- Like a Werewolf? (frightened)

The Wolf- thats one way to put it.

Fredrick- (Gulp)

Wolf- Don't worry as you can see, you have wolf ears, wolf tail, and maybe wolf instincts imside of you so you have a good heart.

Being part dog, temporailly helps with over coming your fear. The wolf is about courage, So I want you to go find some sort of dog and pet it. If it turns out to be wild or a stray, I want you to howl.
Having a fear of hot dogs thats on your own that even sounds crazy, its not even made of real dog.

Fredrick- Joe is right, the wolf will teach me courage and I think im going insane. A talking wolf that I can only hear inside my head

The wolf- Snap out of it kid, are you even listening?

Fredrick- Yes.

The wolf- I want to hear you howl like a real wolf.

Fredrick- Joe is right, the wolf will teach me courage and I think im going insane. A talking wolf that I can only hear inside my head

The wolf- Snap out of it kid, are you even listening?

Fredrick- Yes.

The wolf- I want to hear you howl like a real wolf.

Fredrick- 0Owoah.

The wolf- That was weak.

Fredrick- Hooowl.

The Wolf- Good, but do it better. Hoowl from your gut. Like this:

Fredrick- H0000000000000000WL!

The Wolf- Now thats what Im talking about! Your Ears and tail will go away every once in a while, but pop out at random.

Fredrick- Thanks for the tip.

The wolf- You will remain like this permantenly.

Fredrick- What!

The end

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