The Newest Superhero on the Block

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Narrator- This story is about a girl, who once had an ordinary life. Her life
was changed forever by a mad scientist named Dr.Possium. His work is
turnig people into animals by his hypnotic power. Many of his experiments
have failed, no one really knows what happened to his previous experiments. His Labtory is located under a dark bridge in the city of Chigaco. In a apartment lived a young girl named Isia. She was getting groceries to help her mother cook dinner. Isia saw a shadowy figure leading
to a dark bridge. she dropped her groceries and went to check it out. Next,
she was knocked out by a rock. Then when Isia woke up from being
unconscience, she found herself strapped to the table.

Isia- Where am I?

Dr.Possium- Welcome to my lab. (with a evil smile)

Isia- Thankyou, so huh what's your orgin story?

Dr.Possium- My what?

Isia- You know your backstory? Every supervillian has one.

Dr.possium- Well huh I tried doing an experiment on myself, it didn't go so

Isia- So you are not a villian, you're just a citizen who has rabies because
you took DNA from a possium and that's why people thinks you're mad.

Dr. Possium- Silence! I'll make you better then all of my creations.

Isia- There's no way, you can hypnotize me.

Dr.Possium- Who says im going to hypnotize you?

Isia- Hum hello, your Dr. Possium hypnotizing folks is your speciality.

Dr.Possium- Stop sounding so smart, its annoying. Powering up my hypnotizing sequence at full power

Isia- I thought you weren't going to hypnotize me?

Dr. Possium- Well I lied, its what villians do best and you said it yourself
hypnotizing people is my speciality. Ok powering up the hypnotizing
sequence at full power now! (Evil laughter)

Dr.Possium- How do you feel, my dear?

Isia- the same with a headache.
Dr.Possium- How is this possible? I gave you the DNA of the parrot and the
drongo. I've also brainwashed you.

Isia- Your hypnotizing skills don't work on me, so once again your
experiment has failed.

Dr.Possium- How are you immuned to my hypnotic powers? This leaves me
no choice, but to release you. You're useless to me, you are a defeative
experiment and another failure.

Narrator- After that awful experience Isia went back to her apartment. She begin feeling strange and she felt as if she couldn't breathe. Isia went to a
deserted shop and found a witch casting a reflection spell on her. A cat got
stuck into a tree. Her powers were activated and appeared to be random. Isia
transformed into an elephant, when she saved a cat. She knew elephants
aren't great climbers and they were heavy. She grabbed the branch and the
cat walked across her trunk. Isia went home finding a way to control her
powers, after the cat has been saved. She feels ready to face her enemy.

Isia- Your reign of terror ends here and now, Dr. Possium

Dr. Possium- Im sorry, who are you?

Isia- Its really sad that you don't remember me.

Dr.Possium- Oh its you one of my failed experiements.

Narrator- Isia seemed angry at the thought

Dr.Possium- You can't stop me. I have ultimate power.

Isia- Your power has no effect on me.

Dr. Possium- Oh explain your power to me. Im the one, who gave it to you.

Isia- No, you didn't, I always had the power to change. My imagination is
more powerful than your power thats why I was immuned to hypnosis.

Dr.Possium- You Fool! My power increased your power. You can be on my
side and we can rule the world together.

Isia- I rather protect it rather than rule it and besides I rather being a superhero than a side kick. Im here to kick your butt!

Dr.Possium- Oh, you will be sorry to refuse my offer.

Isia- I feel like I made the right choice and this is what I've trained for!

Narrator- Isia was knocked down many times, she got back up and fight
with her superspeed, it made Dr.Possium dizzy and made him miss each
time. Dr.Possium was defeated

Dr.Possium- Who are you? (Weakly)

Isia-Im the Reflector and im the newest superhero on the block.

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