Old Ladies

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Ok, I know what you're thinking. Old ladies? How can they be stereotyped? Dear innocent reader, this may shock you, but they suffer just the same as the rest of us. It's terrible, I know.
I only managed five for this category, because they're never the main characters. I hope that's ok :)

1. They are so judgemental, every one of them. Except for the celebrated few that I'll discuss in numero duo. Every time our protagonist does something not great there's conveniently an old woman around to go "You should be ashamed of yourself." with a disapproving stare. Like, it's not like they were brainwashed at the 1964 olympics to judge everything with a pulse..

2. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Some old women are crazy and eccentric, which I'm going to admit happens in real life. But in no story have I read about a normal old lady. She's either giving out or riding a motorcycle. I just can't accept it.

3. They all call the protagonist "dearie". All of them, meanies and freaks alike. What happened to all the other hundreds of pet names?

4. They all have canes. I don't think I've met one person with a cane in my entire life. Is it like an American thing, or what? All I can think of now is just a generation of people hobbled..

5. The protagonist always hates the mean ladies and loves the eccentric ones. Old women aren't people to the protagonist. They're either like "crazy old biddy" or "she's so weird I love her!". I mean, of all of the groups of people in the world to be objectified, wattpad chose old women?

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