The Inevitable Continuation

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*Guys, I've decided to change Cherry's name to Jess because I think it suits her more- but I'm not going to edit the previous parts of the book. Better this way. More confusing.*

The bell rang, indicating the start of class. Jess looked at me with fear in her eyes. "We're late for Mr Bologna's first class! Oh, God, we're screwed!"

She grabbed my hand and we started racing through the hallways, shoving past several people, including a girl that had makeup caked on to her face. She scowled at us as while mashing her face into a locker in our haste to get past, I accidentally made her spill her Starbucks. I wondered why she was being such a bitch about it, and then I noticed the cheerleader costume. Ah, she was a Natural Bitch.

15 minutes later (14.5 of which are unaccounted for), we arrived breathless at Mr Bologna's room. The door was shut. Slowly I opened it so it wouldn't creak, then tiptoed to the back of the room. After sliding into my seat so slowly it was inaudible despite the silence of the room, I glanced up to see how Jess was faring. Wait.. silence?

The whole room was staring at me. I kid you not, even the dwarf was standing up in his seat to look at me. The jerk I ran into earlier on seemed to be trying to hold back a smile.

"Riley Ashbrooke and Jessifer Oaks, detention! Now, as I was saying, I'm putting you all in pairs." Jess and I looked at each other hopefully, although since Jess was at the front and I at the back she had to turn her neck practically 180 degrees to make eye contact with me. She looked a bit like she needed to be exorcised, to be honest. But of course, my hopes were dashed.

"Ryder Flynn and Riley Ashbrooke, you two are together purely because your names sound alike. No swapping partners. The rest of you, do whatever." And with that, he sat down to go on his computer for the rest of the class. I didn't even know what we were doing. What even was the subject of this class?

"So, partner, how you doing?" Ryder slid into the seat beside me, somehow managing to look both flirty and hostile. I shrunk into my seat, and he looked surprised at my audacity.

"What is this project even about?" I asked sassily. Ryder shrugged.

"To be completely honest, this is just a class so that everybody's plotlines can be advanced, and characters can be developed. It's why your bag is empty of any books apart from the one you're going to read in the tree later." I nodded. That made sense.

"Wait, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked curiously (because the default emotion for questioning is obviously not curiosity).

"I didn't give you a chance before, I just want to make up for being a jerk earlier." Wow, how nice of him!

Ryder's platonic friend approached me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Excuse me, Riley, is it?" Ryder glared at him for the interruption.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I nodded and stepped away from Ryder.

"I'm Jared. Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know.. Ryder isn't being nice for no reason. You're new, so you probably don't know, but Ryder has slept with every single girl in this school, and he wants to sleep with you too to keep it complete. You just seemed.. different, so I thought I'd let you know."

I felt tears spring unbidden to my eyes, and Josh looked at me sympathetically. How could he have played me? How could I not have noticed?

"Thanks, Josh.." I sniffled. He got an annoyed look on his face.

"It's Jared," he deadpanned. Oops. Oh well, I was too busy being betrayed to pay attention to something so insignificant as a minor character's name, now wasn't I?

Knowing I couldn't keep myself from making a show in this state, I ran from the room before going to cry my eyes out in the bathroom.


Uhm. I feel like this is worse than last time, so sorry for like taking away from the momentum of this short story. Idek if it's funny or not but oh well

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