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1. So far more often than I'm sure actually happens, the parent is a single one. What has happened to the sanctity of marriage and the family, people? I mean I'm not giving out about single parents in general because God only knows how hard it is for them to do that already impossible job without doing it by yourself as well, but surely there aren't so many? Well, what do I know, I live in rural Ireland.. Yeah it's probably just me never mind haha

2. The parents and kids are very affectionate and/or overshare. I mean, the last time I hugged my mother was over the summer when I was going to German camp for three weeks, and I had never left the nest before that. Before that... gosh it must have been about three years. Yet our protagonist hugs and kisses her mother before school every morning. And it's not so much that since I'm exceptional. But the whole oversharing thing! In fact, that deserves its own point.

3. There we go. So yeah, oversharing. Our protagonist tells everything to her single mom/dad, which I find especially disturbing when it's her dad. I mean, before I would admit to having a crush on somebody to my father.. Let alone fill him in every day about my interactions with him. And don't get me started on the sex lives. That's just plain weird.

4. This only happens in some stories, to be fair. But sometimes no parents are mentioned through the whole story, yet then when our protagonist is in need of some advice, all of a sudden, le wild Mom appears! I mean, what is even up with that? Am I the only person to notice this?

5. They don't care whether the protagonist comes or goes. It's like
"Mom I'm going to Jess's for the night."
"Yeah that's fine"
No "when you will be back?" Or "do you have pajamas?" Or anything. Anything! I mean I'm not allowed to walk up town for a half an hour without a plan for the apocolypse, yet our protagonist can go on a year's trip backpacking across Asia (because Europe is too mainstream) without calling home to check first. *away from computer* Mom, I want to get rid of the application form for going out!

6. They never drive their kids to school! I mean, what happened to good ole fashioned bonding time in the car? I actually only realised this while searching in my head for stereotypical things but it's actually completely true. What was the last story you read that the parent drops their kid to school? I honestly can't even remember one.

7. The parents leave on a trip, with only "No parties while we're gone". Yeah, your son/daughter is definitely going to be deterred by that terrifying order. Not.

8. Again, they leave on a trip, leaving their daughter in the house with a family she's never met for two weeks, or even better, they leave with the main guy's parents, leaving two teenagers of the opposite sex together in a house. Alone! Please, Mr. and Mrs. Gonist (as in Prota Gonist), get some sense into your thick skulls.

9. Wow, this is actually going pretty easily. We're at 9 already.. *sniffles* oh how fast they grow up..
Which brings me on to actual number 9. They get so emotional about their little girl growing up, and they cry and basically act fairly immaturely. She's going to her senior prom, not getting married. Come on.

10. And of course we have the horrible parents. It's so annoying that I actually have to take a care what I write since all you terrible people started reading this collection of bull. But yeah, there are the parents that are abusive, and some are pretty unrealistic, although I'm not going to give an example in case somebody that reads this actually went through it.

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